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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. lasty finally got my pinkish red yuma
  2. another ric is it green ?? in colour or yellow or both ??
  3. growth pic of a hairy mushroom from a 50 cent coin to a plam without fingers it took 1 years to grow to this size shifted home 3 times
  4. the whole GSP grow almost to 2 plam size
  5. some growth pic of my GSP this GSP is slowly spreading to other rocks my plans i working hope to get it spread to cover half of the backdrog
  6. an update of my tank angle view from the left
  7. nvm when i have my chance to go .........eastern pearl ......... hope i can go surabaya any LFS there ??
  8. sunny03

    LED Lights

    ya but not in SG market
  9. sunny03

    LED Lights

    how about u guys can diy a lunar LED moonlight that auto dim or brighten follow the lunar calendar if you can do that i guess there a market for it
  10. it seem that my bad luck haven end here just found a milli fall into the arm on my yuma resulting 2 to 3 branches have to be cut off wHEN ALL these ARE going to END ???
  11. already change to aquabee wait till i am free den i dismantal the pump
  12. Guys just wonder hows your luck after new year??? on the 2nd day of CNY one of my MH bulb blow.... Lucky i have a spare bulb, next is my powder brown got sign of white spots....... and now my MD 40 either it is down or something jam inside as the flow is not as strong...... end up i have to dig up my spare aquabee pump to power my chiller, and reactor etc..... just finish fixing it
  13. keep track of your zoos or monti if they are always close this might be causing it
  14. it look like nudi to me does your zoos or button close.....
  15. it worth to see the rock it purpleish in colour
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