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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. yap it growing and growing *3 the size since i got it
  2. got it from ML weeks ago not sure if there are any more left. Price 3 reddish with some change back
  3. another view of it cant stop taking pic of it. it is so graceful will get another one of this i dont have barlet in my tank.
  4. guess wat anthias is this ?? the arrival of this cause my tank water quality to go down hill
  5. Barlet anthias are so ..... this is what happen to my male Scalefin anthias when they had a lip lock fight days ago. End up with the scalefin lower lip torn and got infected.
  6. it best not to cook it as you have put in your tank cos of those trace element we added is not for human comsumption .
  7. but one of it is not filling enough much have at least 10 or more. you much have caught it using fishing hook right around pounglo area or changi ?
  8. frag no problem but have to wait as u know my rock structure does not allow me to take out the rock and frag
  9. this is a whitting good bait for sting ray and i also quite good when u fried it if possibe provide sand for it it are found on sandy area
  10. provide them with strong light and modrate to strong current and soon you will find them spreading like this
  11. light might be too strong get them to get use to the lights den slowly move upwards to that high area
  12. T off to other equipment or T off for random current
  13. do you put any reflactor on the T5 ? I also place this way but the corals on the front and back dont get so much of light from the mh as it was block by the T5
  14. hi alfaromeo would like to know how you place your T5 so that they dont block your 250w MH light sources
  15. it a farm in jalan kayu selling marine fish etc dont dont bring any hope to see any nice fish or corals just that the rock they sell are big and cheap
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