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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. Anthias and group how many kind are there ? and how many
  2. solar wrasses *3 $10 each --- reserve by silverghost7 , sim , dradttg caught 2 flasher wrasses *1 $5 each --- reserve by silverghost7 , dradttg , still in open clarkis clowns *2 $ 20 per pair --- still available caught 2 Anyone taking the clarkis clown ?? already caught and in beta box
  3. sorry guys just could not get a pic of the so called "carpenter wrasses" as it is swimming in the open. Just relise that mine is not carpenter wrasses it turn out to be a flasher wrasses pls see this link for the pic http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/zoo/1024frameset.htm For those that reserve the carpenter sorry that it is not carpenter if you still keen in getting the flasher wrasses pls pm me again all the fishes that i going to sell is still in the open water. Bros that Pm me to reserve the fishes once i had caught them will inform you. (take around 2 - 3 days to catch them) the price list again solar wrasses *3 $10 each --- reserve by silverghost7 , sim , dradttg flasher wrasses *1 $5 each --- reserve by silverghost7 , dradttg , clarkis clowns *2 $ 20 per pair --- still available
  4. looks pink to me might be sponge etc..
  5. anyone looking for solar wrasses ? Also selling *1 carpenter wrasses for $5 and *2 clarkis clown 2 in and 1.5 in from CF These two clown been with me for almost 3 yrs liao when i first started marine.
  6. solar wrasses for sale left with 3 only selling at $10 feed from mysis to pallets collection at sengkang
  7. better not you can call me when u are going to farm or there is food ahahha
  8. the leather looks like it is recovering.. However the colour a bit different is it because of the lights ?? or cam use ?
  9. hahha lucky i was not being recall ahhaha
  10. buy those rock from fellow reefer that are closing down their tank it will cut short the cycling time some how
  11. does it have a cert ? look like it a normal cat for me
  12. they are splitting themselves no worries but if you notice suddenly you mushroom are close and not opening as usual u have to becareful this is the sign that they are stress or they are melting awya
  13. dose lot of Ca and Mg not to forget the blue light soon in now time ur tank will be full of it
  14. that a good one but living in SG it too tough..... half of my earning goes to household that why i need a sump FOC
  15. tks believe that alien07 will be the same
  16. yes it a sunset hope that my barlets leave it alone it like 4 vs 1 award wat kind of award ?
  17. rich ??? still a long way to go...... just when u see something nice u just need to get a hand on it
  18. nice tank still have lots of areas to fill but do it slowly
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