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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. next time go fishing i want to tag along can?
  2. Green have many shades,,, light green of lime green are harder to keep and maintain... easier will be dark green type.. try those montipora or milli these are much more hardy
  3. poison him some more to boost the sale of marine fish industry
  4. In SG it is usually sold as new, most of the time need to buy from ebay.
  5. sunny03

    Foam Spray

    something like this ??
  6. a pic will help and the tank thickness
  7. hi how much u want to buy it for?? i have one but the moonlight is not working
  8. wow now tank is in the living room. i Bet you will change to corals later get some GSP lol the easiest to keep. try to keep moish nice looking fish also. if you getting barlette get a cover for it if you dont have any hood. if not look for them on the floor whenever you find one missing
  9. sunny03

    Foam Spray

    bro check out my tank thread... it will be a NO3 factory as the years come by....... think twice
  10. told you cant bear to leave us need rocks just let me know
  11. Hi does any one have any 2.5 or 2 ft T5 light sets for sales? be it 2 or 4 tubes light set pls sms me at 91003138
  12. Hi I have one set of N95 8GB for sale. Just got it tonight 20 aug. selling at $850. and a new set of SE G900. selling at $550. got it on 18 aug selling due to funding of new project. interested pls sms me at 91003138
  13. can go to the flea market behind Sim Lim tower there stolen bike for less than 100..
  14. solo is a hard core biker... i cant catch up with him he ride so fast that everytime he need to slow down for me.
  15. hi cna post a pic of the rock
  16. hi cna post a pic of the rock
  17. If it not wrong, does it make some sound when caught ?
  18. that is not barlett of course it is funny. is it Pseudanthias evansi take a look at this Evansi but there are Sunset anthias but all female.
  19. i am not as crazy as him.. now farm is like his 2nd home...... but it is good to have these kind of people around to keep this industry and forum alive. Maybe we can nominate him as the best new comer award.
  20. tigger now very free notthing to do wat... ... feed baby and fish only tank hahahha
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