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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. I use 40 and 60L drum... If space permit and CO approve I will go for 200
  2. Next to that place there is coffee shop selling famous laksa
  3. when there is small ,,, the big is nearby
  4. wa bro thinking of coming back after so long ??? i guess youhave more time now...
  5. haha put at your reef tank...
  6. u can try housing them where you got it from ?
  7. this is one of the link http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2027486&highlight=ati+modification it is much easier to change the fan then mod the light set...
  8. there are a few post in RC, reefer there manage to intergrate LED into Powermodule.. Do a search there... But i feel it is a waste to modify such a good T5 light sets
  9. never ask him to scrap the rock clean for you hahhaha
  10. remember to ask the past owner for frags ...
  11. confirm purple cup ?? or Led shine on the cup and becomes purple .. haha.. today so free ... thought you are busy ...
  12. Waiting for you to come over lol.....
  13. maybe you can let us know 1 driver control how many led and their colours i dont think violet and rb or blue can share the same driver... they require different amp..
  14. It is much easier to change t5 then led ..
  15. Maybe 14 cw 6 ww , 14 rb 6 b, 4 UV as moon light ...... I would prefer to use dimmer so I can tune the light to my liking.. As for placement you have ask james or do more research .. T5 is it better to put around the middle of the tank.... I can't change mine already so I put at side don't really like it . I like my tank color with blue led and white t5..
  16. I mean your total number of led is 41 pcs so wonder how many driver u are using
  17. How many driver are you going to run ? Dimmable type ? w Your number of led seem to be funny I would go for some warm white and cool white . Currently I am running led with 2 t5 also but mine t5 are white ..
  18. i might not have much frag to tempt you.. but spare one or two should not be a problem...
  19. maybe in the next update ...
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