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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. have you ever pour in the water of your corals or fishes when you got the stuff from lfs
  2. wow that is a lot... did you use NSW for your water change ??
  3. white tape is a good choice ... if you dont use glue.. use white tape before fitting the joints.. after that do as what ogykogy did use white tape again.. then add another layer of black tape ... this way when you want to take out the piping next time it is much easier... and it does not leak.. it is a tested and proven...
  4. haha i believe you got the joints for it also which dont need any welding... i build my frame using "L" frame ... cheaper ...
  5. left pix 2 and 3 .. selling both at $30 collection at SK
  6. you can use either one... DI resin have the impurities removes from the water... Which means the water is much cleanner then tap water... You can read up more regarding DI or RO water...
  7. I guess those more then a year are used to the LFS water.Or those new fishes are still not use to the water Change to using Salt Mix for now and try to change water a pail a week and not 6-7 pail at a go
  8. let me guess are you using Saltwater that you brought from LFS ?
  9. Selling these at $30 each Fist size .. Buy both free cup coral
  10. You can use nylon rod with screw thread and bolt and nut... To secure the rocks... Check out my tank thread
  11. thats true .. maybe those doing the research are not fishermen ... those who use circle hook should know that circle hook should not set hook.. when fish take and run just tighten your drag etc to increase tension ...
  12. Spread the led to the side more ? Currently mine is cluster at middle and the side are not getting enough lights
  13. I wonder why this thread was kept alive for so long .. It openly mention name of lfs how expensive or how new Reefer being rip by them... s this the way? Where are those Reefer that said we should not openly mention lfs..I don't see ayone jump to help the lfs.. I don't think this is fair to the lfs who,is,also a sponsor... These remarks does more damage them what I posted last few .. Weeks and was edited
  14. yes that the one ... the cheapest i can find so far ... further down along that block there is a shop selling all kind of wire/plastic mash ... some are so fine that can use to hold DI resin...
  15. how about silverfish ?? have you try that...
  16. Will silverfish work? It is much more easy to get... If not go to beaches during low tide to look for small shrimps and fishes in those pools
  17. bro show us your prize catch which you caught tonight ....
  18. The corner hardware shop at Kelantan lane under hdb Blk..
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