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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. try this link mayeb can help u id http://uri.sakura.ne.jp/~dd/g/einfn2.htm warning your eye will hurt
  2. it a 4 ft tank with 2 1000l power head and a ehim return pump guess i have to leave my 2 LYretail in my cube tank dont think wan to put back 4 ft hard time catching them
  3. here is the close up of the fight guys any idea not to let thme fight ?? currently the 2 LYretail are in other tank which is not mean for them
  4. here the pic of the fighting scene JAW lock
  5. Guys need your help currently i have 5 Anthias, 2 are Lyretail Anthias 2 are Fathead Anthias i suppose the other one cant find a pic suit it ... the LYretail are intro 2 days b4 and are feeding well but today i brought another 3 anthias, the 2 LYretail start to attack the one of the Fathead Anthias
  6. it only have 3 fish inside will add a few more fishes inside and that all
  7. me using tap water plus some of my 4ft changed water
  8. and this the piston shrimp that follow the 3 rock
  9. this is the goby that bought today still looking for the shrimp any idea wat species is it
  10. nice rack ervine but dont u think the bottom of the rack u can add another pvc pipe instaed using a coated wire to hold it or u scare that the pvc pipe will melt or cast shadow and the rack that use to hole the mh look kind of
  11. i used to drive MID vehicle and i can said that is the MID vehicle is dam slow 50km for pickup and 80km for car usually if i being tailgate i would either switch lane or like rumor said tab your brake and slow down he will slow down eventully he will slow down also.
  12. ya i ask but never buy cos dont know will they be feeding in my tank or not
  13. rumor how u know hahaha there are only 2pair i guess cos when i was there saw them unpack den grab 1 pair the other pair one of the shimp claw gone but goby nice but now they seem not to be together still cant find each other
  14. yap there are lot of them but only got 4 purple anthias sellign at 8 each dont know is it still around
  15. yap i diy mine own light guys can my goby find the shimp ?? cos the shimp is hiding in a cave on the rock while teh goby fis hiding in the sand or their friendship will ended
  16. tks the nudi is gone since last nite in now lookign for the other one think i saw 2 attach is my new fish and shimp they came in a pair but now cant seem to find the shimp
  17. get from PR the ANTHIAS i got from them are feeding believe it u raise your hand up and the ANTHIAS will follow your fingers
  18. 25 onwards for croceal clam maxima 80 size about 5in to 6in
  19. i have the name, add, tell, and contact person will that do ?? as for how to go there most of it i never been to also
  20. dont tell me i going to need a 150 MH with 110w pl ??? 110w pl still not enough meh ?? wat kind of nuk is it ??
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