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Everything posted by sunny03

  1. Natural Filtration What do we mean when we decide to go for natural filtration ??? Majority of our filitration comes from molluscs and one kind of soft coral.. - molluscs We will be using green mussels and oysters (if we can find them) Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Picture: Ron Offermans. Why we choose them ??? Mussels, in contrary to all other molluscs live exclusively on filtration. From the surrounding water they not only take oxygen to breathe, but also food. This nutrition method proved to be so successful that mussels not only managed to distribute into almost all parts of the sea, no matter in which climate zone, but also into the ever changing salt-less waters of rivers and ponds on the continents. Blue mussels for example can filtrate up to 5 litres of water per hour, oysters even manage 25 litres. An experiment with blue mussels. In the left glass there are no mussels, in right one mussels filter the water. Reference from Robert Nordsieck http://www.molluscs.at/bivalvia/index.html?/bivalvia/common_mussel.html - Soft Coral Many might wonder which soft coral can filter water ? Answer is Xenia ! Why Xenia ? It is believed that they can absorb some nutrients directly from the water. Xenia may do better in tanks that are not frequently skimmed. Base on this believed we choose Xenia .. Having said that, Xenia also provide a constant look of gently flowing and waving in the water. Their cream to white stalked/polyps added another group of colours into our nano reef. ***To be Cont***
  2. It has been some time since i last posted here.. Was researching on how to do rock scape for a nano tank and i came across an article in other forum . some of you might had already seen it. took the concept and add my own ... with reference from Veganbrian Every time we look at the reef, what do you see first? It is the placement of the rocks then the attracting colours of the corals. For those who are photographer this might sound familiar to you. The rule of thirds. The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts. As follows. With this grid in mind the ‘rule of thirds’ now identifies four important parts of the image that you should consider placing points of interest in as you frame your image. The theory is that if you place points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally. The picture will be more interesting if the horizon or your point of interest is not in the center of the picture. Put the horizon a third of the way down from the top (or up from the bottom) of the frame, or the subject a third of the way in from the left or right. Experiment until you find a composition that appeals to you. Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/rule-of-thirds#ixzz28R2aFtNe We often see people just buy a big rock and put it in the tank. Theres no thought in that and it does not create a natural feel and takes away from the movement and shape or the rock. Structures tend to catch the viewer’s attention more than just a bland landscape where they don’t really know what to focus on.Why are mountains so amazing to us? Its because they are not a big slab of rock. They have all sorts of movement and depth. Things like points, divots, Certain lines or trees,caves, snow and running water. Another thing to add is to keep in mind your lighting and how that will hit onto your rock work. The taller the rock work the more light will hit it and the brighter it will be. Light will become important when the reef is started up. Consider that within your aquascape. Next to follow will be the coral placement. We would not want to have a group of colours blue/green/red etc. The trick is to throw those colours around the tank all over the place.. In the colour wheel, green is opps of red. in our reef tank we can put a some GSP at the top left corner and red brain or plata at the lower right foreground. Or a green colour surrounded a red colour colour For this nano Tank we hope to achive rock scape like this Minimalist approach with Nature Filtration Choice of corals of course will not be SPS... ***To be cont ***
  3. Was told that i need to start a tank thread for the nano competition tank. So this is how we started Had gather a few reefers to take part in this nano competition for the fun of it.. However, only two names are to be submitted so the rest you know who you are ..... How we going about of doing it ? ***To be Cont***
  4. Wait till Dec should have lay long
  5. Finally back ... too empty compare to previous
  6. Your fishy all swim in one direction
  7. Sell extra Food Grade sodium bicarbonate - NaHCO3 2kg per pkg (only 3 pkg available) collection at Sengkang
  8. What are the use of giving discount, when you are selling at the price that you use to sell .......

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sunny03


      More profit from overseas customer then local customer .... But they forget that it is local customer that help to build them up

    3. zabz01


      Golden price :)

    4. sunny03


      It is sad to see so many people found out so late ...

  9. Nope not rapid led.. it has 12 x 3w cree led
  10. this is my new toy... BOP birdnest got burn tips due to this ... too near to the green staghorn... currently testing on another SPS...
  11. make use of lunch time hrs ... unlike you working hrs flex....
  12. update... New Toy.... Before.. after 1 week after 2 week
  13. chalice no horse run .... If want better be fast ...
  14. Ah nor ... I am immune to CO noise already ... We each have our own room .... Unlike rocky San he has CO fully support
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