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  1. feeling the most difficult point is to make it start eating. my past record atleast take 1 week + to make it eating well . and big size 2.5 " is more difficult for eating training .small size 1.5 " r more easy to start eat .
  2. Regal sorry to make u confuse i am from penang not S'pore jason wrote : freshwater (plus garlic) for about 3 mins can u explane it more detail ?? how the % ... for garlic use ??? thank you
  3. i do do fresh water bath to my regal angel . she can stand until 5 ~ 10 " ( sorryi forgat the actual time ) but surely for her can stand more than 5 " , of'coz the time r more depend on fish and size . even some people will do fo 10~15 " for some big fish. for blue tang i have no idea but what is yours specification of freshwater bath ?? i mixe 1 saltwater + 9 freshwater = fresh water bath . and adjust PH > 8.0 . than only proceed freshwater bath
  4. Regal i bought it at penang ( koay Ent near BJ court ) RM 65 sorry i had confuse that r u from penang ?? jason " my regal also got itch before... but after my treatment .......... " can u tell me how u do the treatment ? i heard that regal r sensitive with medicine ???
  5. i do try before, it take time to train for eating . i use tetrabits and spectrum ( maker : newlife ) keep at 2' QT tank with a pcs of LR and a clown fish . i just continue using this 2 type of fish food. for the first few days she never eat. i just let the food sink at bottom. but few days later i notice that the fish food sink at bottom r missing. and i just continue do this action. few days later she start eating directly when i put in the fish food for the begining stage u can try put some macro algae ( look like grape shape ) she will eat the grape ,maybe this action also can help to make her start eating more easy ps: i heard somebody commend that better to choice the regal angel <4" aboyt 3" is better , more easy to start eating my regal angel r about 4.5 " it total take about 1 week plus only start eating ps: but finaly due to my tank water quality ( i think due to i just start my QT and only cycle by a clownfish (2" ). >> can not support regal (4.5" ) ) she was sick and finaly sayonara. i keep her about 3~4 months
  6. depend on luck. heard people said that brain coral and tube worm always happen the first choice of angle fish i have bicolor angle so far did not disturb my coral about 1 years is ok until she died ps: just take note that bicolor not so easy start eating. need time train for it.
  7. Orient wrote : the shop in Macallum St Flats area..( Goh Tiau Lor) r u mean " HOK LYE " ?? thank you Cookiemunster good idea hallo any penang member r interest with Cookiemunster idea ?? maybe we can arrange and go together
  8. for my case. tank size 36"x24"x24" 2 hole(1 in, 1 out ) 1" flow out ( hole should be more than 1" for pipe thickness about 1.5" ,depend your conector size ) 1/2 " return (actual size >1/2 " as above mentioned ) as dr evil san mentioned more bigger surface r better , but personaly not prefer DSB for FOT main tank due to big fish may cause DSB problems DSB for RT should be better i would like to suggest u keep 2' high . the view r big diferent compare to 1.5' high. u can try to visit any 2' high tank u will feel that like 21" TV compare to 29" TV 2 ' hight r much much better view ps: but of'coz if for RT u need to consider your lighting system can support for the 2' high or not
  9. nice sia.. how much huh... ??? u mean my leather ?? about 40 but suspect this is dye color. now become light brown ps: my tank condition also NG
  10. some time ago i do saw a tank runing by this system. but that is RT. and i forgot whether it keep any fish or not. personal feeling for this system u can only keep few small small fish only. and of'coz u need air pump but why u want to change your filter system ??? ps: i am thinking to set up this system for my RT also to change my sump tank to QT
  11. sorry ianjy san, can u double confirm the data again. realy " salt level still shows between 1.010-1.021.... " ?? 1.01 ~ 1.021 r big diferent if stable at 1.021 i think is OK for FOT. no problems lar.no adjust also ok lar. if RT better adjust it to 1.022~1.024
  12. sorry not realy know what is leather finger. for leather it will do some self cleaning process by generate a milky stuffs. and the stuff will peel off from it after few days. this process can help them do cleaning to itself. for me i won't do anything for it. just let it be. just make sure it have current flow through the leather. pls double check with others commend , better post some photo see see lar
  13. supremo wrote : my original query is that most sites that i researched says that DSB, LR and Skimmers are all I need for FOWLR. sorry i am new at here just information sharing that i heard somebody will not recommend to use DSB for FOT. due to if u keep big fish, may effect the DSB function and cause problems just information sharing. if i am mistake pls correct me
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