i do try before, it take time to train for eating .
i use tetrabits and spectrum ( maker : newlife )
keep at 2' QT tank with a pcs of LR and a clown fish .
i just continue using this 2 type of fish food. for the first few days she never eat. i just let the food sink at bottom. but few days later i notice that the fish food sink at bottom r missing. and i just continue do this action. few days later she start eating directly when i put in the fish food
for the begining stage u can try put some macro algae ( look like grape shape ) she will eat the grape ,maybe this action also can help to make her start eating more easy
ps: i heard somebody commend that better to choice the regal angel <4" aboyt 3" is better , more easy to start eating
my regal angel r about 4.5 " it total take about 1 week plus only start eating
ps: but finaly due to my tank water quality ( i think due to i just start my QT and only cycle by a clownfish (2" ). >> can not support regal (4.5" ) ) she was sick and finaly sayonara.
i keep her about 3~4 months