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Everything posted by dradttg

  1. I find Korean drama ridiciously predictable. Good people always get sick or died. What type of message are their trying to communicate across??
  2. I saw quite a number of them at Paradise Reef. You can check with them.
  3. Thank bro. So far have identify a few others things I want to do dainetree safari, horsebacking riding, tandem, kuranda and white water rafting. I feel that there are a bit too much physical activities and I might missed out some important culture or heritage places to visit. Gold Coast wise, I will be visiting most of the Theme parks and some of the beach
  4. Ok. One item added to the list. Anyone knows any budget hotel?? All I can find are those > A$80.
  5. Dear all, Planning to dive in Great Barrier Reef and will be accessing it via Cairn. Can anyone share with me what are the must see and must do in Cairn?? I will be visiting the themes park at Gold Coast too. Anything else in Gold Coast worth doing? Thank you.
  6. It will shorten the life of your power heads by turning it on and off. I would recommend getting a second hand tunze with current alternator.
  7. Go buy the DVD of the movie. ###### is Zero. Lugi better.
  8. Even with Controller, there is a high chance of overdose too if you are using Enaly. I find the Enaly is not very safe. This is what happen to me: - My tank was at 220. - I set my ORP to 250. - My tank when from 220 to 320. I think the main reason is because of the amount of ozone that is pumped in. It does not give enough time for the ozone to complete normalize within the tank. It has already been a week and my ORP reading did not go below 320. Now I am setting to 350 and will monitor to see what happen.
  9. Saw part 1, 2 and 3 of this at TS video. They cost about $50+ each.
  10. I got my Purephos from Reborn and it is less than $30. 500ML is supposed to be enough for 1500L - 2000L tank. For your tank, I think one bottle will last for quite some time.
  11. No problem. I have been using biophos but recently switch to Purephos. It is cheap and good.
  12. Hi Bro, U mean the LFS is using the white sand only in the FR? If you read on in the link I sent you, the reefer also threw away the white sand. The purpose of have a FBF-500 and FBF-1000 is to hold 500ML or 1000ML of media. No point getting the 1000ML if the white sand, which is doing nothing, is occupying 500ML of space.
  13. In my opinion, it all depends on the type of diver you are. Do you like to travel lite or you dont mind carrying heavy load? Personally, I like to travel lite. Nowaday, even thinking of not bringing my BCD and regulator. So A95 is the camera for me (you can see sample of my photo). I just need to bring the camera and the casing and that's it. I can take all type of photo underwater. Best of all, the whole set up only cost $900. And since A95 uses AA batteries, I can get batteries off the shelves. If you get a 350D, you need to bring multiple lens. I am not sure if there is a lens that is suitable for both macro and others. I know that there are lens that can be changed in the water but I think they are expensive. There isnt a Canon casing for 350D and you have to buy custom made ones that cost a few thousands. 350D does not use AA batteries -> meaning you have to buy spare and have to find a place to charge all the time. I feel that if you are willing to spend the money, get the normal camera and a strobe. The only problem I have with my current camera is that if I take photo of distance objects, it tends to blue out. If I have a strobe the colour will be better.
  14. Wow!! Your sunflower is beautiful. your patient for feeling all of them.
  15. No lah. It is nice to have many. In the wild, you can see hundreds and hundreds of anthias swimming among the SPS.
  16. I think the white sand is to be thrown away. I dont see anyone using the FR with white sand. To see dancing, refer to this. You have to DIY a cover. I am using FBF-500 and there isnt any white sand.
  17. In my opinion, shouldnt do fresh water dip just before adding into the new tank. The fish will be stress enough in a new environment. The fresh water dip will increase the stress. If there are any ich in the main tank, the fish will definitely get it with the double stress.
  18. I am using Seachem for both. Dont have to buy the 1kg for calcium, I have gone through 1 kg of Reef Builder but my calcium is still 3/4 full. I am dosing twice a week and manage to keep my dKH above 10.
  19. IMHCO (aka In my humble and Crude Opinion), you chase skirt for what?? One of my friend's advise is very true "Know what you want and dont lose your focus." He is saying it from any angle but I think it applies to this case too. He was saying that a lot of guys spend time in pub buying gals drinks, dinner, etc and at the end of the day may or may not get anything. You spent more than $50K and at the end of the day, you may or may not get what you want. Might as well pay $$ and get is over with. If it is for marriage, if the car is the key then you will eventually lose out to a bigger and more expensive car. Might as well just spend $13k for a Vietnam brand. I guess if you top up a bit, you will get premium grade. If are getting a car for chionging LFS, then by all means get a car and remember to give me a lift to LCK.
  20. For the benefit of anyone that is using the same skimmer. Point C should be covered using a small tap to use fine adjustment of water level. Otherwise the water level may fluctuation up and down. The water pump should be rise higher for better air intake. The picture given at the Macro website is not accurate.
  21. For hermit, you have to take note about providing additional shell for them to change into when they grow. This is quite troublesome. You cant have snail and hermit together because the hermit may kill them for the shell.
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