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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Closed and you posted in the wrong subforum...
  2. FEED!!! You bloody boxfish!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. henry@ml


      Heheh.. the clam on half shell probably end up on his dinner plate :))

      Try cracking those unwanted snails . . . they love it too.

    3. Terryz_


      Clam on half shell again ah.... Will go sheng siong buy and try...

      I dun have small snails leh... LOL

    4. Terryz_


      Just hope the bigger will start when it sees the smaller one eat...

  3. I think he talking about venustus, Very difficult and shy fish if it is not one of the few fishes in...
  4. Flameback is definitely more aggressive than flame or at least for my case... The flame went in after the flameback... Took some betta box method to lessen the aggression... I am not very concern about the CB as mine was not very aggressive, 2nd day it bo chap liao...
  5. Rescape and maintainance done in 5 hours...

    1. Jameshong


      Any backache?

  6. Put back into the rock liao.. LOL...
  7. Minor Rescape..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dnsfpl


      scaping...what i hate most...piping comes close

    3. jackywongto


      Scaping .... My fav pastime

    4. Terryz_


      Just to make it look more open...

  8. Got a pair of Alpheus parvirostris as hitchikers, Dunno if it is rare but the first time I see them.. Not sure if they will survive, I think one of them was injured by me, lost one of its claw...
  9. It is difficult to gauge if as will need to put against the tank height and the way you wanna place the overflow as once you stick it is impossible to change...
  10. Bro, For how big tank and how big pump... It is actually quite easy to DIY one..
  11. And this bright pink zoas that never resurface in the market after it was sold when I decommed for NS, along with a lot of other collectible zoas... :(
  12. I guess I will never see this again... The true pink mushroom that I had... It is not bleached, kept the color throughout the 2 years under 10 tubes of t5s...
  13. The fish is weak to begin from the photo.. And that is a bobbit worm, Eunice sp... They are ambush predator that ambush fish and the also scavenge for food outside their burrow... All I can say now is to catch out that worm.... I used to poke chopstick into their burrow, Dun see them after a few poking session... But I dun get them in my new tank now..
  14. As Mod I shouldnt say anything about the sponsor but seek advise from ML or other reefers on the forum, you will have better understanding of reefing... As for the question, I wun answer them as they are answered by others, the answers are the same...
  15. Forget to mention one is missing a suction pad...
  16. That is a normal price for red carpet if you know the market..
  17. Saw this on that guy facebook.. awesome pair esp the small one..
  18. Selling 2 x Seio 820 @ $15 each. Collection at Jurong West Ave 3. Thanks.
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