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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Juz pull it out... will bleach one...
  2. Yours i not touching each other... wat if they touch each other that is wat i nid to noe... thkz any way... nice maroon...
  3. Ermm... i juz discover them yesterday.. yesterday at abt 4am i went to look at my tank and when i on the light... i saw a total of 6 2 cm long white worms on my tank glass.. wat are they..
  4. Marine Environment is a expensive salt rite??? How much is one pack...
  5. At that time... how much was it...
  6. Will Anenome of the same type... eg. BTA and BTA... sting each other.. Coz changing two ft tank to clownfish tank after i get my 4ft... buying a lot of BTA...
  7. Actually i dun think RBTA is very nice... once you see the Orange BTA.. you will think that RBTA is nothing...
  8. dunno if it is the smallest but i having it for my tomato...
  9. Juz be gentle with them... but if yours is those paranoid one... den i think difficult..
  10. The different shades... like clownfish from indonesia color is brownish... and clownfish from other countries(forgot which one) is more bright orange...
  11. juz wan to find out the price of a harlequin shrimp... one LFS selling $18... is it on the high side...
  12. this anenome is common in most LFS lar...
  13. Anyone wan to go tmr.. me going tml... anyone wan to go pm me... kk... meet at boon keng mrt... Cheers Terry...
  14. How to see that tomato clown is paired... izzit the same as normal clowns... My smaller tomato is being chased out of it anenome by the bigger tomato... is this normal... or aggresion... and their color differ a lot... will it cause a problem...
  15. But tot this one is white purple bubble tip...
  16. Any pix of eibl angel... cannot find the pix...
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