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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Just toying with the idea of colonizing bio rings with bacteria products first in a isolated container before placing into the system.. Yes, I know, the bacteria would colonize the bio ring when you place it in the system over a period of time... but was thinking if it would shorten the period of colonizating the media in a smaller area compared to a big system like our tank.. Any biology reefers can input on this.. based on my limited knowledge, I feel it can be done.
  2. Not advisable as it is that length for a reason, for the tubeworm to retract into.. If not they tubeworm will try to retract and come out from the back...LOL...
  3. It is impossible to keep it with fishes...
  4. Like having multiple husband, actually depend on the horse also... if they like it they will pair up if not they will just remain as it is..
  5. Your actions makes me laugh all the time...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jameshong


      AED-Automated External Defibrillator? or Aquarium Equipment Demonstration...LOL?

    3. Terryz_



      Allied Educator..

    4. henry@ml


      Someone probably having a crush on you!

      You must be looking like an alpha male in class :P

  6. Unless Vroliki x eilbi can be found in CI... But from what he describe, it does looks like a tri hybrid...
  7. Naturally is like that but in the breeding industry, it is possible to pair one female with "multiple" males as in bringing out the male when they female have transferred the eggs over to the male... and place a 'empty' male in with the female..
  8. And might disappeared anytime, the highest I have paid for a goby is the white cap...
  9. Loook too similar to a tryssogobius to pay $500 for it...
  10. Chromis Analis and yes, it grows up to 15 cm... Which is very large for a chromis..
  11. Might and might not, becos I am not sure if GSP is bisexual... LOL... Suppose they are bisexual meaning they will release eggs and sperms together, if the fertiziled eggs settle on the rock, they will anchor and grow... If they are one sex on different colony den it might not grow.
  12. The photo might not be from him, maybe from his fren... We all know what he is doing, but it is always fair to hear what he have to say about it if he have something to say, but unlikely, if he MIA we will just let this pass as there is no ppl who are actually scammed by him and will take note of his IP, he can create a new account but thru the IP we can see if it is the same user...
  13. They do spawn also just very rarely as spreading is easier..
  14. Saw this cute and nice frogfish, very nice... But got no extra tank and time for it...
  15. Most probably but weird, gsp dun really spawn as they can spread by producing new polyps...
  16. There might be more females somewhere in the shop... LOL..
  17. There is always two sides to a story, there is no need to jump to conclusion so fast without any investigation or explanations from the TS even though there might be none and none of us know Uncle Jon personally to make any unbiased judgements... And he stated he is selling on behalf of a fren, and no one actually went down to view the fish, so we dunno if it is true or not.. MOD is NOT GOD, members can post what they want all we can do is moniter and take action when there is a need... We wun know if he is a scammer, reselller or not untill there is proof from other members that it is true...
  18. Suspected scam on this thread... Will see what the TS have to say before we take any actions but from the photo it is the same... We will proceed to suspend/ban him if it is proven to be scam due to misrepresentation..
  19. Thanks all for the interest.. Passing to fren first and let it recover from the lymphosis..
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