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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Cannot use... you look at my scaping you will know why... My Tank
  2. Dun think will look weird... intending to use a 5 inch DSB too..
  3. That upgrade is like few months away... Cos it mate just died... got injuries... So i suspecting got crab or what.... So selling lor...
  4. Selling my flasher wrasse... It is a female... Thkz... Pls pm... No pix cos cannot take they alway hide in crevice one...
  5. If you add cured LR from LFS... There is going to be die-off in LR during the journey from the LFS to your house... And will have ammonia spike... So it is best to cycle with LR...
  6. Actually i find freshwater dip is not useful at all... Even if you manage to get the ich off your fish using FW dip the ich will reappear on your fish again... Cos the ich is always in your tank...
  7. Look like a threadfin butterfly to me... But the color not the same and no threadfin ler... hmm...
  8. If the aptasia is on the glass ler... Can use peppermint shrimp... Got a sudden bloom in them after my copperband died... All on the glass..
  9. I find whitecheek tang nicer but dun have here... Hehe..
  10. Boxfish cannot take freshwater dips it will get worse..
  11. Just use food soaked in garlic... I found those garlic juice we make ourselvs is better... Mine no more whitespot liao... My 2 cents...
  12. Fuel's computer is down at the moment... So he will be slow in replying to you... Thkz...
  13. BEAUTIFUL... Like rainbow...
  14. Hard coral have a skeleton and is divided into two groups... Large Polyps species (LPS) and Small Polyps Spcies(SPS)... SPS is more difficult to keep then LPS... Both LPS and Soft Coral will do well with your lighting... and Soft coral dun have any skeleton... Hope that this will help you...
  15. What color one... I only seen this color before...
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