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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. The sliver fish are white in color not sliver...
  2. I no bioload liao only one black blenny...
  3. Hmm... Okaie... Just repositioned the PH... Hope it help... Maybe will go buy one more PH..
  4. Wah Biang... My whole sand bed covered in Cyano... Anything can i do to stop it after i take them out....
  5. They are bad and naughty fishes...
  6. No need anenome also can... Fuel keeping them with out any anenome...
  7. I dun trust blood worm... frozen one or live one... Contain lots of bacteria and germs...
  8. They say non-aggressive is mostly... But you might never know... you get one that is aggressive...
  9. Can i feed those silver fish from NTUC supermarket...
  10. Yasha Gobie........ Okaie.... anyone going CF... Me want to go...
  11. Flame Hawkfish... THe price have been $30-$40+...
  12. Think should be numb liao not glued to the chair... Haha...
  13. Weird creatures... fancy killing a creature same as yourself just for a shell...
  14. Wait till i setup my 4 ft... I will buy a black tang... From ML... Safer than other LFS...
  15. Given up on tangs liao... except my sailfin tang... But your black tang is very tempting ler...
  16. Oh... Den it is dead lor... But if they are taken out of their shell they wun die immediately rite...
  17. MY PBT eating very well what still go down the road...
  18. Bubble from ML... Hehe... Help you answer...
  19. I mean the corals lar... Not the light...
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