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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. *Price revised* Selling Weipro 2011 @ $25...*Used for a month only* Selling Atman AT-105 @ $18...*Brand New* Collection: West Area Need to clear fast... Pls pm or sms to 96934521(Terry)...
  2. Ahh... It is releasing the fries now... LOL... My gobies having a feast...
  3. Selling Weipro 2011 @ $30...*Used for a month only* Selling Atman AT-105 @ $20...*Brand New* Collection: West Area All prices neg... Need to clear fast... Pls pm or sms to 96934521(Terry)... Thks and rgds...
  4. I just bought a pair of glass shrimp from ML yesterday... and i found out just now that the female one is pregnant... I could see the eye of the baby... Just wan to know is it possible to raise the baby to maturity...
  5. Trimma caudomaculatum This goby swims up-side down...
  6. Next up, the Trimma Gobies... Sharp-eye pygmy-goby
  7. Did a search on pygmy gobies and found these nice gobies.... Hopefully they will appear in SG... First, the Eviota Gobies... White-line pygmy-goby
  8. Aiyo... Neon green and orange ones quite common... Wan one like yours ... Erh... Pm me the price ler... Just curious... LOlz...
  9. Erh... Like driving ard the whole island liao ler... Wanted to go but bo lui ler... LOLz...
  10. Nice man... Care to pm me the price... You got yourself a really nice yumas... Very rare find nowdays...
  11. This is the normal ball valve or the union ball valve(Dunno what is it called)...
  12. Lolz... Will focus on my main tank first...
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