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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. polychaete worm=Fire Worm???
  2. Poor Catalina gobies... Gonna put up with the warm temp there...
  3. Erh... Can sell me this frag when my tank is ready.... Lolz...
  4. Bro... The worm will split into two parts when you use a forcep to catch... I tried before...
  5. Yes... It is vemonous but not very serious...
  6. Why you always wan to close your thread one... Lolz...
  7. Is there anyway to know that you are overskimming liao...
  8. Looking for a UV sterilizer for a small tank... Was thinking of Turbo Twister 3x... Is there any recommanded brand best is if can be cheaper... Cos gonna spend a lot on skimmer and light liao... Thkx...
  9. not much info is found maybe the baby also eat sponges... You have species tank huh...
  10. Argh... So cute but must resist... Mind pming me the price... Thkz...
  11. I walk there once but no dogs chasing me... It was when i was in LCK 110 premise that the dog inside was barking at me...
  12. Oei... Still healthy and kicking hor... Eating garlic soak mysis in case any outbreak of ich...
  13. Actually i super scared ler... Dunno why still dare to run pass it... Lol.... Wait kanna bitten...
  14. All Sold... Except the Sea Cuke... It is a super small one... Abt 3-4in only... @$5...
  15. 4ft tank using a jebo skimmer... Jebo not that good ler... IMO...
  16. The stupid brown dog at lck if you go alone you will see the dog appoaching and barking at you... Damn fierce ler... I just run pass it and into lck 110... Lolz...
  17. SG got sell Selcon huh... Where..
  18. Sorry forgot to mention... Can only collect next week on Tuesday... Quite busy these few days...
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