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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Die hard supporter of AM... lol...
  2. Oh okaie... Hehe... lol.. You bought it at True Octo price?
  3. Bro... Condition looks very bad...Maybe too high flow?
  4. Purple legged and purple head are the less aggressive kinds... lol...
  5. Wow... The BTA is really bubbly...
  6. Internal Overflow System? I dun really trust that... They wun provide enough filtration for the tank... lol...
  7. With sump or without sump... lol...
  8. Anything >$500 is out of the question... I custom making the tank... lol...
  9. It mainly depends on your LS and Money... Like me, my parents are paying the electricity bills... So have to go for a small size... And I wun be keeping big fishes... So 2ft cube is okay for me... lol..
  10. If you really like boxer shrimp... Look for the purple head ones... They wun grow big and shy... But more ex lar... lol..
  11. You will see the power of the boxer in months to come... Trust me... I kept before... lol... Moult and grow very fast... It will attack with its claws if anythings comes near... lol..
  12. Looking Good... I see some small baby polyps at the bottom... lol...
  13. It is the size that I am downgrading to... Quite decent if you have space constraint and not looking at a lot of fishes... 2ft cube is quite a big tank too... Just that the fishes will have lesser space to swim as it is not long...
  14. You sure is ricordia florida and not ricordia yumas???
  15. I recommend putting at the bus stop...
  16. If taken care properly with optimal condition... They should propagate in months... Will have small polyps at the side of the big sun coral..
  17. LOL... Same here... So I am downgrading to 2ft Cube in July to prevent listening to those nagging... Having a 3ft now...
  18. This is smelly and i dun think it will stick underwater... Still prefer 3M superglue(Expensive!!!)... lol...
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