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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. I have a DIY one for sale if you are interested... It is a 2ft one.. Here is the Link
  2. Dun have ler... Only have 2ft light...
  3. Upz.... Anyone interested? Am i selling too ex? Willing to listen to offers... Thanks...
  4. I have seen mine eat bristleworm... Those that can fit its mouth... lol...
  5. They are quite picky for new fish... But will eat anything once acclimatised and settled down... Hardy fellow lar... lol...
  6. Those are H. Reidi.. And selling quite cheap for that size and grade...
  7. Aiyo... Skimmer should be turned off when using any medication... Becos the skimmer will skim away the medication thus no effects at all.. I have used the red slime remover for my cyano before... Works wonders for me... Anyway it only took me 2 day to remove all the cyano...
  8. That will depend on the reflector? But should be no problem... I would have gone for 150w if i have a chiller... But T5s would provide a better coverage...
  9. Another 2 T5s would be sufficient... Or go for 150w... 250 w a bit too much if you going for LPS and Softies...
  10. Set 1 Selling for $50.. (Complete set) Set 2 Selling for $40... (One tube broken by accident) Need to clear fast... Thanks...
  11. Still have 2 sets for sale.. Aero by same person for 2 times... Actual Set...
  12. This is very cool... Might wanna DIY one for myself... lol..
  13. Hi, selling on behalf of fren... Have a lobo for sale... It is a bit purple with green and brown from what i see... The photo cannot really capture the color.. Pm me a offer or can indicate the price on this post... thanks...
  14. Replied all the pms... Red Mushroom Taken... Others still awaiting reply from buyers...
  15. Have this recovering Favia @ $18...
  16. Bro... Can get at all DIY shops.. Ask for loclite, selley or 3M super glue gel..
  17. It is a Venturi? So a similar pump will do the job?
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