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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. More Purple with Metallic Green Speckles
  2. My field of Green Stripe Mushroom and Green Spotted Mushroom
  3. Finally get a hang of using this DC.. Somemore photo.. Super Orange Mushroom
  4. It is a clingfish... Live a symbolic relation with the long spine urchin.. Feeds on the foot of the long spine urchin...
  5. I will keep on eye on your blasto... Haha.. I wun be in singapore recently.. haha...
  6. Yes, you can feed mushroom or yumas with tiny bit of shrimp but not practical unless that yumas and mushroom is one of a kind, ie Pink Mushroom, Blue Yumas... They can survive well with relying on lighting alone... Zoas definitely dun need "feeding" or at least not with shrimps.. Blue light will normally bring out the color of the zoas and mushroom more... not as viewing it in blue light... White light will help it to grow and as while as maintain the coloration, becos normally white light have all spectrum color...
  7. It is just varient for the Blue tang.. It is reported that it will revert back to normal coloration after keeping for sometime...
  8. I think the deepwater flame will only stay that color when at that depth... If this were to be sold, the color will return back to normal flame coloration bah..
  9. Oopz... I got the one with the opposite coloration.. Purple with Green skirting Rhodactis
  10. They dun really need special care... A tank with good water parameter will get it growing quite steadily...
  11. Only managed to get some photo... Others the photo is chui... Purple with metallic blue speckles..
  12. It is Wrasse... And that is a starpolyps...
  13. And those choices you provide... I would be wary of flame, multicolor and cherub...
  14. I have this but lighter color... Not so intense... Haha..
  15. Dwarfs are generally okay with Zoas... They have more of a problem with Pratas and meaty corals...
  16. Oh ya... Missed that one out... Haha.. Must get my Venustus to eat readily first... Now still a bit picky in eating...
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