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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. This is the scope, I told you about... http://glassbox-design.com/2010/japans-lss-nanoscope-sure-looks-like-dds/
  2. As long as no circling.. I think it is fine...
  3. I am using the Phyto from FuEl too.. The Phycopure..
  4. They are like that.. Maybe tml she will get better.. Very cool that you managed to pair them/... Giving me ideas... LOL..
  5. She seems quite stress... Try to get those big pipes so they can hide.. Since they are cave dwellers..
  6. That i not very sure also... So I think hypo is the best..
  7. Difficult leh.. Tml what time you going? I see how..
  8. If I have enoug money, I would have bought the others also...
  9. You wan the baby one? After it grows in my new tank, I frag and pass you?
  10. True, It is easier on the fish... I might try Hypo if i have time for it.. if not i will just dose furan...
  11. Yup... Thats why, never trust the color at the LFS esp the one where i got this...
  12. Yup, the bubbling is very slow... I am keeping one without bubbling just in case... Will go read more on the species...
  13. Hopefully I am doing it the right way... Den I can have a 24/7 Drip system.. LOL...
  14. You sure going for Hypo QT? I find troublesome..
  15. It is common but for the coloration and the right one, it is difficult to find...
  16. Will increase the container size to a 1ft tank when it is multiplying...
  17. Test Culturing of Copepod.. Using Reef Pods from FuEl..
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