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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. I am so gonna setup a IQ3 also... Bro, that blue yumas is totally impossible to keep? How long you had it.. I kept 3 times blue yumas, they melted after a week even with T5s...
  2. Just suck out using a syringe or turkey basker...
  3. Yupz, It is difficult to tell, they only have small differences..
  4. Those are not mccoskeri... Think carpeteri and filamentosus flasher... And lineopunctatus...
  5. FLUKES!?!?!??! NOO!!!?!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terryz_


      I dunno if flukes or what there is a red sore on my chromis... But it is so deep into my tank, I cant catch it!!!

    3. yikai


      aiyah. flukes lah

    4. Terryz_


      Hope not lar.. but getting prazi soon...

  6. Oh... Eagle Eye zoas.. I wouldnt mind trading for that too...
  7. Never seen her before... That dog seems so cute to be hitted... Ridiculous...
  8. End of this year maybe.. see i managed to save enough anot.. LOL.. I will settle for roseafascia..
  9. Bro Peacemaker, is this the same one?
  10. Bro fatbike, this two is the newer frag.. Sorry if the photo is blur... using Camera Phone... Let me know you interested in which..
  11. This will be on my backup stocklist... LOL.. My current stocklist only got 1-2 expensive fishes..
  12. Now I believe all fish jump... Left with 3 black bar chromis...

  13. Whitecheek = Powder Black... If you have a Powder Blue already, forget about getting the Whitecheek.. Been there and done it, It will not work... 1 will confirm up the lorry...
  14. I will post it on DFS too... See if there are anyone who lost their shar pei.. Post on DFS
  15. Hope you find its owner soon...
  16. Shar Pei is a expensive dog... It require a lot of care to clean in between the wrinkles...
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