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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Myripristis chryseres from Hawaii Deepwater, Mostly found deeper than 100ft...
  2. Tangs 1. Acanthurus bariene @ $20 (Reserved) 2. Naso Tuberosus @ $80 (If not wrong, this is the only piece in SG, from PNG) Wrasse 3. Pair of Gomphosus Varius @ $40 4. Trio of PNG Cirrhilabrus Punctatus @ $50 (Reserved) 5. Mauritius Bodianus Perditio @ $300 Damsels 6. Trio of Amblypomacentrus Clarus @ $6 7. Pomacentrus Pavo @ $10 Others 9. Cantherhines pardalis @ $20 (From PNG but a bit of deform as the dorsal fin is crooked) 10. Neovespicula depressifrons @ $15 (Uncommon Goblinfish, VENOMOUS) 11. Acanthopagrus Schlegeli @ $10 12. Diploprion Bifasciatum @ $25
  3. Tangs 1. Acanthurus bariene @ $20 (Reserved) 2. Naso Tuberosus @ $80 (If not wrong, this is the only piece in SG, from PNG) Wrasse 3. Pair of Gomphosus Varius @ $40 4. Trio of PNG Cirrhilabrus Punctatus @ $50 (Reserved) 5. Mauritius Bodianus Perditio @ $300 Damsels 6. Trio of Amblypomacentrus Clarus @ $6 7. Pomacentrus Pavo @ $10 Others 8. Canthigaster Solandri (Spotted Variant) @ $15 (Reserved) 9. Cantherhines pardalis @ $20 (From PNG but a bit of deform as the dorsal fin is crooked) 10. Neovespicula depressifrons @ $15 (Uncommon Goblinfish, VENOMOUS) 11. Acanthopagrus Schlegeli @ $10 12. Diploprion Bifasciatum @ $25
  4. Video of the blue spotted toby as requested. .
  5. Most of them are filter feeder, unless you have enough food in the water column, they will be well fed...
  6. You must some form of nutrient export, if you wanna go skimmerless..
  7. Tangs 1. Acanthurus bariene @ $20 (Reserved) 2. Naso Tuberosus @ $80 (If not wrong, this is the only piece in SG, from PNG) Wrasse 3. Pair of Gomphosus Varius @ $40 4. Trio of PNG Cirrhilabrus Punctatus @ $50 (Reserved) 5. Mauritius Bodianus Perditio @ $300 Damsels 6. Trio of Amblypomacentrus Clarus @ $6 7. Pomacentrus Pavo @ $10 Others 8. Canthigaster Solandri (Spotted Variant) @ $15 (Reserved) 9. Cantherhines pardalis @ $20 (From PNG but a bit of deform as the dorsal fin is crooked) 10. Neovespicula depressifrons @ $15 (Uncommon Goblinfish, VENOMOUS) 11. Acanthopagrus Schlegeli @ $10 12. Diploprion Bifasciatum @ $25
  8. I would love a frag if he is willing to frag a small part of it..
  9. Commonly known as byrozoan, This species is most likely Iodictyum sanguineum.. They are Non photosynthetic, so they will need feeding.. To see if they are feeding or opening...Take note of hair like structure on them.
  10. You want this as pet??? Deepwater Giant Isopod (Bathynomus giganteus)
  11. We can only take it as a lesson learnt and allow more reefers to take note about it..
  12. Even if stress, it will not be dead so fast from Punggol back to Jurong is only around 1 hour.. I believe the fish is already stress and in bad condition... I believe he didnt even take note about packing the fish right so that there is enough air... Even without a oxygen pumped into the bag, fish can survive for some time is a bag packed properly..
  13. My point of view, It is a risk to buy fish that you have not seen as you wun know the condition of the fish, becos in the bag, it might not be clear to see it as it will be in a shock after being transferred..It is best to ask to view anything first unless you know the person well. I will never buy fishes if I cant view the fish unless it is ordered that is another matter altogether.. We can only wait for the seller to reply and answer...
  14. Will be upgrading in near future, so selling some of the fishes (if I can find buyers) to make the shifting less troublesome as I need to remove the tank before I can get the new tank.. Tangs 1. Acanthurus bariene @ $20 2. Naso Tuberosus @ $80 (If not wrong, this is the only piece in SG, from PNG) Wrasse 3. Pair of Gomphosus Varius @ $40 4. Trio of PNG Cirrhilabrus Punctatus @ $50 5. Mauritius Bodianus Perditio @ $300 Damsels 6. Trio of Amblypomacentrus Clarus @ $6 7. Pomacentrus Pavo @ $10 Others 8. Canthigaster Solandri (Spotted Variant) @ $15 9. Canthigaster Janthinoptera @ $15 10. Cantherhines pardalis @ $20 (From PNG but a bit of deform as the dorsal fin in crooked) 11, Neovespicula depressifrons @ $15 (Uncommon Goblinfish, VENOMOUS) 12. Acanthopagrus Schlegeli @ $10 13. Diploprion Bifasciatum @ $25 All fishes are not caught yet, will take some time to catch.. Can PM me or Whatsapp me @ 91994460
  15. They will do better in cooler water unless they have been acclimatized to warmer water at the wholesaler..
  16. Not a magnifica nor a gigantea.. Most likely a Malu..
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