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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. I am going to peel my lemonpeel like a lemon!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Eniram


      why don't you just let the rocks crush it?

    3. ranchuboy


      Lemonpeel is one of the most reef unsafe dwarf angel. It is only doing what comes naturally to it. Hey, I just realised I started and ended my sentence with 'it' !

    4. Terryz_


      LOL... I know but here are success story of keeping it refsafe but seems it is confirm 99% non-safe... Only a small 1% will be the lucky ons that dun nip on the corals...

  2. Monti frag left 3x frag Sympodim left 2nd frag Blue cesp still available
  3. They will die off if you dun provide them with enough feeding... You had any sun corals in your tank before???
  4. They should be able to feed on cyclopeeze as they are still small, If cannot target feed, den do broadcast feeding..
  5. Hi all, I am looking for freelance web or logo design... Feel free to pm me or sms me @ 91994460(Terry.. Thanks..
  6. Sympodium frags - $8 per frag This one have two seperate frag, The other is not attached yet..
  7. Due to my clumsy hands, Kept chipping my monti.. Purple Rim Green Monti frag - $5 for each frag (x4)*1 inch frags Mother colony
  8. He, Desi, what did you buy from RB that day?? LOL..
  9. Might be a defect, need to check with Fuel...
  10. The Piccaso is so cute and beautiful.. Love the white cap... The sps are growing out nicely, soon you will have a nice tank...
  11. Please take it to the PM if you are unhappy with anything... It is up to the buyer whether they are willing to pay the price and it is up to the seller whether to sell their stuffs to whoever they want... And to the seller, please state if there is any problem with the equipments before dealing with the buyer that will prevent any misunderstanding...
  12. Thanks. hope can get your angel tank fully stocked..
  13. Thanks... LOL... They are easier to find than cauliflower...
  14. Nigripes Clowns kanna whacked... Pengz...

    1. lcf425


      LOL... TOLD YEA

  15. If Crinoid is possible, why not Basket star... And they have a svmbotic relation with gorgonian and seafans, it is interesting and challenging to keep them...
  16. Dun mind, I post the video and photo in another forum also..
  17. Actually easier than crinoids... Basket star can take larger food source like mysis and cyclopeeze unlike crinoids which take only small micron food...
  18. Seafan Corner.. Different species of seafans...
  19. FTS at night, See no fish because all of them are camera shy...
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