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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. I am thinking if you did a large water change right after your cycling finish... Becos you NO3 will be at a high level after your cycling and you will need to do a large water change to bring it down first...
  2. Hybrid PBT and Blond Naso not getting along well...

    1. cool guy

      cool guy

      sell to me e hybrid pbt lor... lol...

  3. Do a larger volume of water change...
  4. His will take years to grow and split... so small...LOL..
  5. They dun?? If it is true, then it is a good idea...
  6. Provided they dun start moving but BTA are quire safe...
  7. You need a bunch of grapes... LOL...
  8. They will go back to it burrow and not anyhow dive... LoL... Take a look at this video... Feeding
  9. Believe still got a few more months... I let you know...
  10. LOL... Dunno it seems to cause a lot of attention and commotion when one is posted... LOL...
  11. No... This is a rare jawfish from bali... It highly sought after in US...
  12. This rare jawfish is being found at Ah Beng... Quite a few... But dun think many will like it..
  13. LOL... The first time I saw was at CF... Doesnt stand out like the male...
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