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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Nope, didn't buy.. lol.. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  2. Yup, captain America paly.. fetch quite high price in US.. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  3. I really dun understand wrasse... SIgh...

  4. We would have jumped on it if we ever see one... Recently LADD have a few for sale from Aussie and they are expensive in US... No one in Singapore would pay for them even if they ever make it here...
  5. It was solded to me... It started breathing heavily the 2nd night and didnt make it pass that night.. The corpse is still in my freezer...
  6. Your is slightly different... Yours have a red bar...
  7. Yup, these are NPS... IS that a rhyzo?
  8. These a photosynthetic but they can be fed too.. LOL..
  9. No, not the circulation via dosing pump, i mean within the food container that contain all the food, you will require circulation if not the dry food will settle at the bottom...
  10. Just my personal opinion, if you are using dried food like FM, a constant circulation within your dosing container is a must if not all the food will settle at the bottom and you are not getting anything into your tank... Same with freezing a huge quantity in the syringe and thaw it overtime, it your food will settle at the bottom or should I say "side" of the syringe... Freezing the food is good if you plan to feed manually when you are home... just drop it in like cyclopeeze and let it melt and disperse in the water...
  11. The width of the fridge must be able to fit in the number of dosing pump you want to install and the container for your food mixture.. Normally the dosing unit should pump food into the main display and not into the sump, so the unit should be beside or behind the tank...
  12. Should be able to be done below 1k if not factoring the cost of the dosing pump and magnetic stirrer and the cost of damaging a few bar fridge... One problem is we need to find a suitable small bar fridge...
  13. Nope. So far only dosing pump feeding systems...
  14. This is Lace coral.. Different.. ANd it is difficult... It only have short hair like polyps at the side for feeding...
  15. That is from CF... Not cheap to buy... Might wait for other pieces to bring in...
  16. Wah kao, where can compare like that... The green leather so small, how to frag... LOL.. Okay, will let you know if I am going... Brine shrimp? too troublesome to culture live food...
  17. Yes, around 25%-50% should be fine for the first water change.. Now with fishes go with 25% change... For twice a week lor and check the NO3 after 1 week...
  18. Nice, Hope they do well for you..
  19. Bro, where you got the Acanthochromis polyacanthus?? They willl grow up to become black..
  20. From the photo, it doesnt looks impressive to me... But from the video, it is quite nice... Not as dull as the photo...
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