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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Upz... Left Frag 2... @ $30...
  2. I agree, I kept twice with them feeding like pig and just die for no reason even with the small ones...
  3. I have a Synalpheus stimpsonii now.. Kept before, Phyllognathia ceratophthalmus, Zebrida adamsii, Plesionika grandis/narval and Dendronepthyea crab(Petrolisthes sp), Periclimenes imperator ... Seen before, Leander plumosus, Periclimenes colemani with Fire Urchin, Periclimenes soror with Fire Urchin, Periclimenes kororensis, Allogalathea elegans .. These are the few lesser seen one..
  4. OMar, got better photo mah... LOL... Is it like this??
  5. Given up on this... Not possible to keep alive even in NPS tank... Lack of something in captivity...
  6. Reef depot and Ah beng have stock, they even have the latest range of micro and macro feeder food..
  7. The purple dye is not toxic if not wrong..
  8. they work???? Need some algae buster for my frag tank... The hair algae is driving me crazy.
  9. I never really notice leh... LOL... I see later...
  10. I know, I know... Cedric place... LOL...
  11. Becos the bigger they are they more they need to be fed...
  12. Becos they are planktivore so they will require free floating food particles in the water column to get them feeding...
  13. Purple queen is notorious for dying of mysterious reason, and they are constant feeders, without 24/7 feeding, most delicate species anthias are doom to die in the tank becos of starvation... With expection of Dispar, Barlett, Blue Eye Anthias...
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