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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Oh, They come in black color now, it is cool...
  2. They are able to reproduce if in good condition...
  3. I think was around 20-30, I heard... I never go and ask... This was not the first time it came, I seen it before in previous aquarama... How much is it now?
  4. Was introduced in Aquarama mah... And it was sold out like during trade days as it is quite cheap...
  5. Replace the nut and it will work fine... Normally is the problem with the loose nut..
  6. I see this i really fell off my chair... Like that also can!?!!
  7. The cause is definitely Becos the tank is not cycled... whichever shop it is I will not go back and patron that shop.. Totally rubbish.. And a nano tank is not meant for newbie as the parameter is more unstable than bigger tank.. but can be done if you have done your homework and the basics right.. First give the crab to a lfs or another reefer near you to keep as they will still die in your tank.. Next, restart your tank, clear out all the water leave the sand as it is. Add new saltwater and add the livestock and let it cycle for 1 month.., you can buy the ammonia ,nitrite and nitrate testkit to test the parameter.. Get 0ppm on ammonia and nitrite before adding any livestock.. Do a 50% water change before adding to reduce the nitrate..
  8. Totally unrelated and chemical warfare will not cause your tank to get cloudy..
  9. Intended use is with Denitrator... FR can also be use if you can reduce the outlet to airtube thru DIY, the output must be dripping... You can mix some calcium media in the sulphur reactor or at the output to neutralize the sulphur acid and the pH...
  10. Freezer spolit, Now all my frozen food is going to spoil liao...

  11. Oh, I dunno if he can do it... Hopefully it go well for you...
  12. I will plan carefully with the placement and start with small ones first... I dun think the freight will be worth it for the seahare???
  13. It will help a to stop the melting... Check your water parameter... such mass melting might cause a ammonia spike esp in a small tank...
  14. The tubes are not fussy with the depth of the sandbed? I am thinking of getting a few too... Are they really that aggressive, had any fishes that got eaten by the tube? The seahare are really sensitive... Need to slowly acclimatize... If not they will die... I normally take around 30 mins to acclimatize them...
  15. Not now, not adding angels and butterfly for 2 months...
  16. Can I ask how long you have kept the tube anemone for? And how deep is your sandbed? It seems like your like anemone a lot.. You have a lot of anemone? And found your seahare during your visit to SG? Too bad, I dun drive if not dun mind showing you around our LFS...
  17. That is what they typically do.. It will wither away in a few month without feeding..
  18. I seen a lot of tank that you visited on your blog when you update on your FB...
  19. This is the venustus that caught my eye when at SL, it have a yellow first dorsal spine...
  20. I believe your chiller outlet is back into the sump? Try to get a filter sock for the outlet and put the outlet before the return pump compartment to minimize microb bubble..
  21. Once a mushroom melt, it will affect the others... Try to Rx dip and Lugol dip the mushroom before you put them in the tank..
  22. Hi Tony, it is nice to have you here on our forum... Welcome..
  23. Yup, not direct flow, My previous few magnifica is just below the MP40 flow area but that is relatively high flow too..
  24. Hahaha... Hopefully can see a beautiful tank again.. PR closed liao, Reborn also closed temporary, LCK shifted to a few plots away from the old location... It is at 201... Normally sps, Now can go Golden Octopus, Iwarna, Pinnacle(Pac Marine), AM lor...
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