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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Becos it looks very loose.. LOL.. Who many watt is the LED?
  2. Bro, the LED is MR16 socket? Is it tight? It is just plug in only...
  3. No lar, it is the actinic tat cause that color..
  4. Shannon, I think difficult to find bah, Not many reefers keep these monster fishes... But still worth a try...
  5. The only seahorse that you can get now is Comes, Kudas and Reidi, occasionally you can get spinosissimus and barbouri... The demand here is not very high, last time when WaterCircle(Not in retail anymore) and CF bought in breviceps and abdominalis, the sale is not very good, there is only a handful keeping last time and not to mention a few, I think difficult to find 1-2 seahorse gurus still keeping..
  6. Should I change my stocklist to exotic fishes...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terryz_


      Still cant decide... Cant mix them with normal fishes together or at least no one done it before to provide experience..

    3. Terryz_


      Unless my understanding of exotic "strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance" is wrong..

      Or maybe in the context of marine exotic = rare...

    4. Digiman


      Yes exotic in aquatics and marine is not only unusual but usually has also the meaning of rare and expensive. Your list of fishes is more apt to be described as oddballs.

  7. His is one of the best and most successful NPS tank...
  8. OVER SATURATED LAR... Look at the hand color..
  9. Got sound, I cant heard it as my return is louder than that... I think if you close the cabinet should be okay..
  10. Still considerable okay... It is still working fine for my chiller..
  11. Anyone know where to find nice glass jar... Other than IKEA... Prefer Wholesale or Manufacture..
  12. Both boxfish feeding off the water column liao... What fish next... LOL..

    1. Zoa guy

      Zoa guy

      moorish idol?

    2. Terryz_


      Looking for oddy fishes.. LOL... Hmmm...

  13. Wah, these two have been featured years before on a website during a expedition, I think not much photos... only these two... LOL...
  14. Finally both boxfish decided to feed off the bottom... Next step feeding off the water column..

  15. Not a bit too much, is tooooo much lor... But it is deepwater, what to do... And it will never come to us anyway...
  16. Boxfish playing punk, taking turns to fast... Now the small one not eating and the bigger one feeding... *Faint

    1. TayHongSiang


      try feeding them at 7.15pm..i think that is the time they can eat...i guess, your boxers are from the Gulf

    2. Terryz_


      Nice Joke bro.


  17. Those are breviceps, temperate species, haven seen any for 7-8 years liao..
  18. Peppermint???? Dun tink will even have a chance to see it...
  19. Hope will see some accidental shipment...
  20. Nope, Still dunno how will this jawfish do in captivity, becos some jawfish are notorious for not feeding... Somemore it is $600...
  21. It is actually quite special looking... I like the small pineapple also.. LOL..
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