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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. any pic... i might be interested in MACRO one...
  2. any pix.. wat is it... common name..
  3. not sure all cured but confrim got 3.5 Fiji cured rock in abt 10 kg of live rock... my test kit not even one year old ler... somemore is salifert one ler..
  4. wat the brand of the skimmer... verturi or airstone..
  5. i tried with FW feedershrimp liao... all rot until everything gone liao... first time cycling no prob why now got prob one...
  6. Hi... i have cycled my tank with LR for two weeks... no rise in ammonia or nitrite ler... why huh..
  7. hi.. Maxima... how big is your carpet anenome coz i onli hav a 2 ft tank... and i would like to have 12 snail... can i collect on Sat at abt 0530...
  8. no wat.. my previous one died... no fishes die wat...
  9. you got use chiller or cooling fan... if dun hav i think i will get a MH...
  10. WTH... 6 inch smallest liao huh... got anywhere smaller...
  11. ORDER LIST Nick: shirt Design Colour Size (choose #1 or #2) (black/navy/white) (S/M/L/XL) 1. Coralife #1 white M - 1 no. 2. Shieldk #1 white M 3. Shieldk #1 navy M 4. Clownfish #1 white M + #1 black M - 2 in total 5. Stinger #1 white L + #2 navy L 6.dispar_anthias #1 navy M 7. bwilly #1 white M 8. davwong #1 white M 9. JC85 #1 white L 10. NgaoCi #1 white XL 11. Yazid #1 White XL + #1 Navy XL 12. Cleartank #1 White L + #1 white M 13. eprouve #1 Black L 14. planetg #2 Navy L 15. Terryz_ #1 Navy L
  12. How big will it get... it is a beauty...
  13. But isnt his depth a bit to deep for T5... IMO if got chillers get a MH....
  14. Harlequin and cleaner... can keep together....
  15. So can use low bay for marine tank rite... thinking of buying but will it over 2.5 ft tank without any cooling system...
  16. hi... Anybody went LFSing todae and saw small yellow boxfish... finding sailfin tang oso anybody saw...
  17. 1). 30 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Anthony *REVISED* ) $30 2). 12 Nassarius Snails (derf) 3). 24 Nassarius snails + 2 *king kongs* please (kevin REvisEd) 4). 12 Nassarius snails (benedict) 5). 24 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (spade *REVISED*) 6). 12 Nassarius Snails - Reeflax (new order) 7). 12 Nassarius Snails (onghm) 8). 12 Nassarius Snails (hoppinghippos) 9). 12 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (killfire) 10). 12 Nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (panlee) 11) 12 Nassarius Snails (nqh71) 12) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Lona) 13) 12 Nassarius Snails (stinger) 14) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Fireclown) 15) 36 Nassarius Snails (Mao) 17) 12 Nassarius Snails (maxifire) 18) 12 Nassarius Snails (Ruel) 19) 12 Nassarius Snails (Darren) 20) 12 Nassarius Snails (Crab) 21) 12 Nassarius Snails (sav) 22) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (heckers *REVISED*) 23) 12 Nassarius Snails (FuEl) 24) 12 Nassarius Snails (CKS) 25) 12 Nassarius Snails (Clownfish) 26) 12 Nassarius Snails (Dr Evil) 27) 12 Nassarius Snails (Reefnoob) 28) 36 Nassarius Snails (Gorgonia850) 29) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (lone) 30) 12 Nassarium Snails (Sinn) 31) 24 Nassarium Snails (Black Angel) 32) 36 Nassarium Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (triggerfish) 33) 36 Nassarius Snails (jinners) 34) 24 Nassarius Snails (jooLye) 35) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Jun Hong) 36) 36 Nassarius Snails (Agent 96) 37) 12 Nassarius Snails (DeepSea) 38) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (JS) 39) 12 Nassarius Snails (anemone) 98432589 40) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (coralreef) 41) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (acce 42) 12 Nassarius Snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Sherman 43) 12 nassarius snails + 1 bag of lettuce (Ebi - Eric) 44) 12 nassarius snails (yus75) 45) 12 Nassarius snail (Danano) 46) 12 Nassarius (flubberina13) 47) 12 Nassarius snails (nutx)
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