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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Yes, you can check with Dr_evil on that, there is 3 packages to the cube tank.. I believe he also can custom make other size with different specifications...
  2. Not say it is short term or problematic but getting equipments such as skimmer,FR is difficult for these all in one tank... As it limited in space and you will have problem sourcing your equipment and if they can fit in the compartment, they will be hanging so it will be not very nice, it is better to have a sump and place everything inside much neater too.. And those all in one tank trap heat easily as it is covered and sometimes the fans just do not work as well and the lighting is pretty much fixed... It is more of the limitation that it gives you problems..
  3. Yeah, my last one was also years back, died from overfeeding..
  4. At least it get the msg across in a very obvious manner and threat works the best in most matter... I know even if someone is banned, he wouldnt care becos they have other things to do then staying on this forum unless he is a keyboard warrior but at least it send the msg to the masses... This will be the last irrelavent post, anything please pm us.. Thanks...
  5. Still up for sale, Price is nego...
  6. I am not wrong RSM 130D is the size of a 2ft cube with that space you can custom make a tank that will last you years and save you a lot of troubles... The ease of finding a equipment that can fit your sump and the stability of the tank..
  7. Periclimenes longicarpus THe one from CF right?
  8. I always liked yellow belly blue tang but they are normally big when they come but haven seen them for quite long also..
  9. Go visit Henry@ML.. started my marine 8 years back from there also.. good service, good fish and friendly place.. Meanwhile if you have any question, you can post them online or search for them we have sticky topic on ways to start a marine tank.. I would recommend you on getting a custom make tank with sump rather than getting a all in one tank.. it will save you more trouble in the future.
  10. Chill, I dun think there is any offensive intent in that post..
  11. Becos I thought there is a white cap it should be fancy white... All these designer names are driving me crazy... Any price indication?
  12. These are considered fancy whites? or still under Picasso?
  13. Love the selene and modestus... Modestus found in Taiwan also???
  14. It is still the same 5-6 years after.... Angel eggs are invisible to the eye, you need at least a 400x microscope to see them and the larvae are pelagic and require constant flowing water and require specifc strain of algae for the larvae at different stage and they might require special requirement before they settle and become fish...
  15. From the video... Looked so empty... lol..
  16. Might want to sell my Frembli Butterflyfish if anyone interested... It is around 4 inch, Feeding on Mysis and homemade food(Note: It is only interested in big chucks, it ignores the small ones).. Selling at $50... Video of it... It is normally not like that but it is irritated by the presence of the new joculator so it keeps staying there...
  17. Frembli Vs Rhizo... Which to keep???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iskay


      keep both... in separate tanks.

    3. yikai


      fremblii lah. but fremblii is a coral eater so be prepared. mine nips on my litophyton once in awhile but i keep it extremely well fed so it doesn't bother my corals much

    4. Terryz_


      I added the rhizo back into the tank.. So far so good... Ignoring the rhizo... But My christmas tree worms and tubeworms disappeared... LOL... Expected but still considering to sell it..

  18. From one of the reputable LFS, I asked before as he ordered before... and the Selene that comes are normally adult, rarely get juveniles..
  19. The selene is not a good shipper is what I heard all will come DOA...
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