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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. I noe tang poos a lot.. i have seen it myself... hehe..
  2. Can someone what the minimum of fishes to keep in a 4 ft tank... Or is there a method i can calculate the number of fish per dallon...
  3. Fishes- 1 Blue Boxfish 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang 2 Spotted Mandarin(Paired) 2 Yellow Clown Goby Inverts- 20 Dwarf Hermit 1 Black Sea Cuke 2 Cleaner Shrimp Taking away anthias... and harlequin shrimp...
  4. Think i should forget abt getting anthias...
  5. Spotlight is a shop that sell handicraft thingy...
  6. Fishes- 4 Dispar Anthias 1 Blue Boxfish 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang 2 Spotted Mandarin(Paired) 2 Yellow Clown Goby Inverts- 20 Dwarf Hermit 1 Black Sea Cuke 2 Harlequin Shrimp(Paired) 2 Cleaner Shrimp All this in a 48in(L) x 18in(W) x 24in(H) IOS tank... Is this too much... Do Coral contribute to the bioload...
  7. 50!!!!!!!!! Gosh.... is it advisable to put 5 anthias (1 male, 4 female) in a 4 ft tank... oh... one qn... you using 4 tunze in a 4 ft tank...
  8. Where to get those items...
  9. So it is possible to have a MH when you using a fan... hmmm...
  10. is it because of the wattage... I was quote $20 for 36w PL light....
  11. Bwilly...Maybe the male dog noe you "buaya"... haha... no offends...
  12. Wah... Looking forward to see your clam tank... hehe...
  13. You can put another tank on the cabinet... hehe...
  14. Huh... Two tunze for a 4 ft tank... will it be too powerful....
  15. IF you change to MH.. your temp will go sky high... J/K... but the temp will go very high since your tank is so shallow...
  16. What starfish do you feed your harlequin shrimp... juz wan to find wat star most of you feed to your harlequin...
  17. Which is a more reliable brand for a 2500l/hr return pump...
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