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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. On long run... I think mazzei will save more money... Beckett require a pressure-rated pump... whereas the mazzei injector dun...
  2. I bought a pair... Henry told me they are Scorpian Blenny also but they look like Red Scooter... The one that you have... The only difference... They dun pair up... Like mine lor though one male one female...
  3. Erm... Why mix kalk in vinegar huh... What does it do... Thkz..
  4. What is the pricing like... Thkz..
  5. Nice fellow... Cute too... Dun think it shift sand...
  6. Oh... Okaie... Heng.. I haven go and buy the pipes... LOlz... Thats mean the water level in the tank must be over the second bend to start the siphoing... Right???
  7. Thats what my parents tell me lor...
  8. ??? Why no balcony... But prefer my tank to be put in my room but becos of feng shui problem must be place on the balcony... Darn....
  9. I just buy two ball vakvw to control the flow lor...
  10. Okaie... Now i understand... Thkz a lot...
  11. Oh... That means when starting the siphoning... The air valve will be open bit by bit to extract the air... and when the water start flowing to the sump... the air valve have to be closed... Correct interpretation???
  12. Can i leave it open without the air valve... Will it work..
  13. Just wan to siphon the water from the main tank to the sump and den using a return pump to pump the water back to the main tank...
  14. I know but i tot only to let ppl know how to balance the siphoning and return rate... So started a new thread... So can i ask my qns there...
  15. Was thinking of DIYing a overflow like this... Will this work... Really an dummy in DIY so this might be an useless idea... Thkz...
  16. Oh... Hmmm... Tml go try... Thkz...
  17. Shiok sia... Pink color... Like Birdnest though it is finger...
  18. Hope you got a Stonogobiops xanthorhinica....
  19. Think you got a Stonogobiops xanthorhinica... The dorsal fin doesnt seem bitten off or what... My Stonogobiops nematodes also become Stonogobiops xanthorhinica because of fin rot...
  20. Maybe can try feeding a bit after lights off to get it to eat...
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