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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Left only... Jann Pipefish-$8 Saddle-back Clown-$6
  2. Upz... Male Jann Pipefish-$8 Saddle-back Clown-$6
  3. Still Selling... Male Jann Pipefish-$8(Due the Female Dying)... Saddle-back Clown-$6 Thkz...
  4. For clearing up water... You can use Seachem Clarity... Not bad... I use before...
  5. All reserved by dersuz... Except the clown fish...
  6. Nah. Wun.. Restarting the tank...
  7. Pmed you... Anyone interested... Plz pm me...
  8. Collection at West area... Thkz..
  9. Selling every fish in my nano... Due to tank crashing... Every fish gasping for air... All in temp tank... 1x Algae Blenny-$4 1x Black Blenny-$6 1x Red-banded Prawn Goby-$4 1x Black Antenna Goby-$6 1x Saddle-Back Clown-$6 2x Sri Lanka Red Scooter Blenny(Not paired yet)-$10 Each 2x Jann Pipefish(For tompang at anyones tank)(Not selling) Thkz...
  10. Anyone??? Want to use as return pump... Thkz...
  11. I tot Male and Female Lyretail is easy to differential... Male is more red and have red spots on the pelvic fins(The fins they use for swimming)... Female is more yellow and think dun have the spot on the pelvic fins... As for the hermaphrodite question... Dun think they will change back to their orignal ######... Female dun change anytime they wan...
  12. They will keep disappearing if you got crab in your tank... I lost a number of them to crab cos i thought no more den suddenly one appeared in front of my eye... Damn Crabs... Anyway Rainfordi and Hectori goby are difficult to keep if you dun get them feeding...
  13. $299+.... Still pondering whether to get a iceprobe or a 1/10 chiller...
  14. 1/10 should be enough... If no budget go for 1/4... Cooling timw will be shorter..
  15. That one he DIY one... Super nice also...
  16. Duh... It is doing it again... Cant believe it... Just now lying on the LR now still there... (maybe sleep liao)...
  17. Not very sure abt mazzei injector... But beckett the foam very dense(not sure correct word to use a not)... Very pack...
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