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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. One I wished to see but normally caught very big.. Chelmonops curiosus
  2. Digi, that is Carlsoni not Charlenae... I think you mixed up...
  3. All from bbox blog if not wrong. All is this year shipment.. as in when I can't remember, need to go search the blog posting date.. I am out right now.. will pm you the link if you still need it when I get home.. you should be able to find lar.. They have female lunatus also if I never id wrong..
  4. If it is a torpedo sp, den it will get very big.. lol.. I din know female piscilineatus look like that.. only saw the male one..
  5. Anyone know what is this? I only know it is a species of electric ray..
  6. Yeah, true, it is might be the only way.
  7. Paly slimes more than zoas, that might be the reason that they dun touch palys...
  8. After keeping seafan for sometime, i still cant get over the overwhleming smell from them after touching them..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FuEl


      what's wrong with you the smell is so sweet.

    3. Terryz_


      Ezie, I thought I could get over it since I kept it for so long...

    4. Terryz_


      Allan, you think I eating durian ah? LOL..

  9. That is very low.... Yes, top up with freshwater and change water with saltwater... Range should be 1.023-1.025...
  10. Calcinus laevimanus... Good algae eater but I doubt hair algae..
  11. I really think you need to read more... You are supposed to top up with freshwater, not saltwater, because the water evaporates without the salt and the salinity will increase in your tank when the water evaporates if you add more saltwater, it becomes saltier and stressing/killing the fishes and corals.. Yes bascially, you are cycling with your fishes and corals, sadly expect to see more death until the ANN cycle is over..
  12. which one? There are at least 3 macro in the photo...
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