Oh... Okaie... Will try to get a Ca reactor asap after i get my tank... I think i will need a super big Ca Reactor for my tank... Hehe... Your elegance is really opening... Erh... I saw one very small and cute yellow watchman goby...
Seems like Ca reactor is inevitable... Intial stages can use kalk reactor to cope with the ca usage??? Ca reactor will be investing at later stage... Lolz...
I have two good option of stand... Galvanised Metal Stand and Wooden Stand... Need some opinions... Not sure which will be more reliable... Advices needed...
Nice one... Look yellow... Is it green or yellow... BTW your light is 250w right... Can take frags from you when tank is ready??? I can go ahead with my plan liao.. Cos confirm got bonus in july... Lolz... So happy...