Hehe... Change of Plan liao...
Getting a 3x3x2 Cube Tank with a Wooden Stand and a 2x3x1.5 Sump...
Meanwhile still searching for a better deal on the package...
Anyone have lobang, Please inform me...
These are the Equipment that I am going to use:
Lighting - A DIY 250w MH with 2xT5 Actinic From a Fellow Reefer...
Cooling System - A 1/2 HP Chiller (Maybe Pacific Coo or Resun)...
Skimmer - Schuran Jetskim 100
- A Modified Needle-Wheel Weipro Skimmer
Return Pump - Sicca Extrema
Circulation Pump - 2 x RIO SEIO M620
Ca Reactor - Macro Calcium Reactor
All Comments welcomed...