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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. ML got 4 Indian Ocean Mimic Tang... Each abt 2.5 to 3 inch... Got one very nice one... The other got torn fins due to the accilimatization... Didnt notice anyother fishes... Hehe...
  2. Dunno where to find a small plate... I will keep a lookout for a small plate... If the shrimp is still available by the time i find the plate, I will get it...
  3. Bro... May i know what is a gravid female...
  4. Maybe could be due to the changing of its food??? Sand shifting star are harder for the harlequin to cut and they are not very nutritious becos of their diet...
  5. Bet you got a very good price... Tell ler... Hehe...
  6. Think you like Pipe Organ also huh???
  7. But they got super long sweeper tentacles...
  8. Actually dunno... This two will fight anot... Chocolate Tang ~ Acanthurus pyroferus (Juv) andIndian Ocean Mimic Tang ~ Acanthurus tristis (Juv)... Cos they are like the 'same' species...
  9. Actually got three of the tangs liao... Orange-Shoulder Tang ~ Acanthurus olivaceus (Juv) Clown Tang ~ Acanthurus lineatus (Juv) Blue Tang ~ Paracanthurus hepatus (Juv) Maybe will take away the PBrT and Kole Tang...
  10. Is 6 Acanthurus... Hehe... No getting all... Too much for my tank liao... Will work it down to 5 or 6 tang only...
  11. Will contact the tankmaker after i get my bonus... Should be either end of this month or end of next month bah... Thats why I am still thinking of which chiller to get...
  12. The other species is only 2-3 fishes... But this is only a tentative list... Will cut down if really cannot keep so many...
  13. Hehe... Also decided what livestock to get liao... But it seems too much... Maybe can help me cut down on the number of livestock... Here it is... Tangs... Orange-Shoulder Tang ~ Acanthurus olivaceus (Juv) Clown Tang ~ Acanthurus lineatus (Juv) Atlantic Blue Tang ~ Acanthurus coeruleus (Juv) Powder Brown Tang ~ Acanthurus japonicus (Small Size) Chocolate Tang ~ Acanthurus pyroferus (Juv) Indian Ocean Mimic Tang ~ Acanthurus tristis (Juv) Blue Tang ~ Paracanthurus hepatus (Juv) Kole Tang ~ Ctenochaetus strigosus (Juv) Wrasse... Secretive Wrasse ~ Pseudocheilinus evanidus (Small Size) Jawfish... Yellowhead Jawfish ~ Opistognathus aurifrons (Probably a Pair if possible) Goby... Randall's Prawn Goby ~ Amblyeleotris randalli (Small Size) Yashia Goby ~ Stonogobiops yasha (A Pair) Anthias... Tiger Queen Anthias ~ Pseudanthias lori (A Small School) Some Rare fishes that I will get if able to find it... Mystery Wrasse ~ Pseudocheilinus ocellatus (Small Size) Whitecap Shrimp Goby ~ Lotilia graciliosa (A Pair) Sharknose Goby ~ Gobiosoma evelynae (A Pair) Redhead Goby ~ Elacatinus puncticulatus (A Pair)
  14. Hehe... Change of Plan liao... Getting a 3x3x2 Cube Tank with a Wooden Stand and a 2x3x1.5 Sump... Meanwhile still searching for a better deal on the package... Anyone have lobang, Please inform me... These are the Equipment that I am going to use: Lighting - A DIY 250w MH with 2xT5 Actinic From a Fellow Reefer... Cooling System - A 1/2 HP Chiller (Maybe Pacific Coo or Resun)... Skimmer - Schuran Jetskim 100 - A Modified Needle-Wheel Weipro Skimmer Return Pump - Sicca Extrema Circulation Pump - 2 x RIO SEIO M620 Ca Reactor - Macro Calcium Reactor All Comments welcomed... Thkz....
  15. DB... You going CF on Saturday huh... What time... Can tombang me in too... Thkz... I wan to go too...
  16. Good lor... You got another Pair of Yasha huh... Where you got them at...
  17. Bro... did you see any indian ocean mimic tang left...
  18. Wah... Big claws sia... Good to have these crabs right...
  19. Change of plan liao... Hehe.. Getting a 3x3x2 tank... Lolz...
  20. Confirm getting but still searching for a better deal...
  21. Hehe... Now daydreaming abt the tangs i am going to put in my 3ft flat cube... Hehe... 1. Clown Tang 2. Blue Tang 3. Orange Shoulder Tang 4. Indian Ocean Mimic Tang 5. Chocolate Tang 6. Kole Tang
  22. Hehe... Maybe when i have them den i know how cute is it... possible to take photo of it...
  23. Good link... Hehe... wonder how the crab look like... Dun quite like crabs...
  24. Can someone advise what is pring pian wood... They using it for my stand ler... Is it strong...
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