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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Same as the tilefish lor.. I thought it might be a male leopard but it seems it is not.. it just came out from hiding for a week.. hope it start eating soon..
  2. Anyone got idea what wrasse is this? http://s109.photobucket.com/albums/n69/Terryz87/New%20Camera/?action=view&current=VIDEO0044.mp4
  3. But I dun think I have seen them before thou..
  4. I thought it is Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri... Bought from AM, it have such a cute face, I couldn't resist and it is not having swim.bladder problem, so just bag it.. Hopefully I find another one, den I can buy for you.. I planned to get a pair so this second one I also added into my tank..
  5. Died when I went for reservist, was a mistake to buy it.. was not even feeding when I left for reservist.
  6. Yeah but lost some of my favorite ones due to bacteria infection from one of the source.. regretted..
  7. Ya, the flow is very high in the open.. the tunnel in the scaping is having a lower flow, they will hang out there after feeding.. but so far, they are fine but they do eat a lot as they move around a lot due to the flow..
  8. http://vid109.photobucket.com/albums/n69/Terryz87/New%20Camera/VIDEO0043.mp4 A clearer video of it blowing at the sandbed to look for food, interesting fish.
  9. http://vid109.photobucket.com/albums/n69/Terryz87/New%20Camera/VIDEO0042.mp4 A short random video update of my tank.. PS: Can see the tilefish searching for food left on the sandbed, so cute..
  10. One of the few ,I have in my tank..
  11. They are non photosynthetic.. requires extensive feeding regime, normally these corals gets food during the tidal movement when the tide changes, so the food supply is quite consistant through out the day... Best bet is getting a dosing pump for the dosing of the food if you are really keen in keeping non photsynthetic corals.. just provide food throughout the day, and provide a big skimmer to overskim and be prepared to battle some nitrate and phosphate problems.. Alternatively, you can do manual dosing of the food 8 - 10x per day, which is not feasible for most of us.. but still Nitrate and phosphate problem will will be there.. Bottomline, dont go into non photosynthetic corals if you are not willing to spend the extra effort in feeding them to keep them alive..
  12. Selling on behalf of friend, A custom made 2ft tank with sump and cabinet @ $200 Please pm me for more details... Thanks
  13. Labroides rubrolabiatus eating pellets

  14. Labroides rubrolabiatus eating pellets

    1. kueytoc


      Congrats...one of the most challenging cleaner wrasses to train to wean on prepared food.

    2. Terryz_


      It is feeding both on pellets and mysis.. just hope it will do well, despite feeding a lot dun make it long term.

  15. Looking for the following softies.. Red sea xenia ( just trying my luck ) Pulsing sinularia Blue Cespituria Can contact me if you have, by pm or by sms/whatsapp to 91994460 Thanks and regards
  16. Cf will be opened till thus Friday, and reopen next Wednesday..
  17. Birdie Wrasse pair..

    1. Jameshong


      you bot? wat size?

  18. The photo I saw online fits that bill..
  19. It should be the unid-ed watchman from japan? Meaning their range dun only restrict to japan..
  20. They are actually not very good nutrient exporter if in small amount, you will require at least 20 mangroves to get a slight change in the Nitrate and Phosphate...
  21. End of the day, you still bought it? Haha..
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