Upz... Need to clear fast... Willing to reduce price... Sms me at 96934521(Terry)...
Or pm me... Will get back to you as soon as possible...
Thanks and Regards...
Still not safe from ich... Once you have new fish it will come out again... Neon goby help to a certain extends... These fishes will not solve problems on long term... Best is to boost your fish immunity...
It is not the only angel that is reef safe... Angels under the genus Genicanthus are reef safe but there are cases that these angels also nip at corals...
Try mysis shrimp or marine flake... They will change their tone of their color throughout the day... It is very hardy and if you dun have ich in your tank... Kept mine for close to a month before my tank crashed...
??? It is very nice what... Especially those that ML have last time... Feeding not really difficult after you got it to eat... It is quite a hardy angel...