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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Actually can just diy a hang on overflow pipe for those who dun want to drill a hole or no experience in drilling glass..
  2. Anyone interested in pulsing sinularia...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jameshong
    3. kueytoc


      Interested too mate.

    4. Terryz_


      It is the brown one... Haven got much luck with fragging leather.. Will see how this one goes... Have a frag now..

  3. If you have done enough research and homework, you should the common problem of rock beauty, they are one of the worst angel from Caribbean as they have high mortality not saying they are not suited for captivity, just difficult and you seems offended by the comments, we are just telling you the common misconception that many new reefers have and not get misled by the wrong info..
  4. Lumenaqua Max 300 Rewired due to removal of built in stand.. Not for fussy buyers.. Also around 2 years old. Selling at 150.. RRP is 300 iirc. Interested please pm me..
  5. Will be selling my lumenaqua ultrabrite since I wun be using it much.. Basically it is est 2 years old.. Haven't been using it at full power, so the led is more or less make to run longer than expected.. Some minor rust on the stand.. Length of stand is 3ft, fixture is 2ft.. Able to keep lps, sps not up to expectation.. Selling @ 1k.. RRP is 1.6k. Interested can pm me..
  6. There is no cyanide practice in Caribbean.. Rock beauty death is very common, most likely due to internal bacteria and parasite infection..
  7. Looking for Rio hf 32.. thanks..
  8. Those interested in the blue tear drop maximal, be prepared to pay a premium price.. but still worth it for clam collectors..
  9. Reconidering this hobby... No time and extra strength to upkeep...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Terryz_


      I am still keeping the tank but maybe taking a short break, going too fast last few months.

    3. qiang


      sometimes simple is nice =)

    4. davechee


      I have a FOWLR and I'm also feeling demoralised. If it's not ich, it's bacterial infection. If it's neither ich nor bacterial infection, it's starvation. If neither of the foregoing three, it's stress caused by the other fish. Sigh...

  10. Stumbled upon it when on Google searching for other things..
  11. Hi chingchai, I doubt we have seen this in sg before.. Haha.. so rare, huge and expensive,
  12. They are capable of breaking glass if they want to.. they are dangerous creature.
  13. Looks like Dascyllus but only Dascyllus strasburgi is endemic..
  14. Haha.. no choice.. need to deliver food to all the corals..
  15. Post a photo from your book leh.. lol..
  16. Sorry, got no good camera leh.. I found it on fishbase liao.. Halichoeres papilionaceus.. From regional water, maybe not collected often..
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