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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. SL got: 1 pinktail trigger... 2 baby harlequin tusk... (Very cute)... A few PBrT... Various Angels... And all the usual stuffs...
  2. Lolx... Not going for a lot of corals anyway... so kinda not much use... Hehe... Most of them will be on the sand bed... Hehe...
  3. Cool... love your scaping... got valley one... i cant manage to scape like that... lol...
  4. Thanks... Will stock slowly and not going to add tangs first liao...
  5. Thankz... Not complete yet... Still got some more rocks left... Always like to have holes kind of rockscape... lol..
  6. Wow... Nice pink zoos... lol... Leave a frag for me ler... lol...
  7. Now 2 weeks into hypo liao... Took this chance to change the location of my overflow and return pipe... And rescaped a bit... In actinic..
  8. All the best for your last paper...
  9. Diamond shape??? Something to look forward to.... lol...
  10. Bro... You should buy man... They are cool to look at... cute behavior...
  11. It is eviota pellucida... lol.. Really cute and beautiful...
  12. Bro... you power sia... go and dig out such an old thread... lol...
  13. I mean i cannot see the difference in color... lol...
  14. Two male will confirm fight one... You can try for a 6ft tank if your mandarin are not too big becos in a 6ft they will rarely bump into each other... But better stick to your pair... lol... Prefer the spotted one rather than the green mandarin... lol..
  15. Bro... Can't see a difference in the color... Can enlighten.. thankz...
  16. Love this goby too... The fins very nice... lol...
  17. It will be difficult to confirm, as it might be a S. nematodes that broke its dorsal during shipment... Cos there is not much difference other than the dorsal fin bah...
  18. Ya... concentrate on your 'N' level first... The tank can wait for a little while... Cant help with the corals and livestocks... Tank in Hypo...
  19. Terryz_

    Acrylic Sheet

    Still a bit blur... lol... Guess have to go there to know wher is it...
  20. Terryz_

    Acrylic Sheet

    I think need to pay extra for the work bah... Anybody know how to get to DAMA i got the address but a bit blur blur... dunnno how to go?
  21. Becos my tank infested with ich... Need the UV liao... Hehe...
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