If they are snicking at Pods den you might have a good chonce of getting them to feed.. Try those FW glass shrimp... chose 1-2bag with small shrimp and add them to your tank.. They will start eating sooner or later... continue to feed live brinshrimp..
Think thats all... You can add zoecon or selcon and etc... anything you can think off but dun add too much... proprotion up to you.. i dun make a lot...
Actually i think you shouldnt add a clown trigger first... It will get aggressive to new comers... and they will be quite terrortial...
I quite like triggers too but those more docile and sociable ones...
Orh... You mean BB without Refuge and Zeovit huh... It is difficult to keep NO3 under control in that case... But i think most ppl going BB at least have a Refuge for nutrient export or uses Zeovit bah...
Not a fan of BB... lol... So dunno much about how it works..
I dunno about other but i feel that if you have nutrient export using Macroalgae,, you can still keep NO3 under control... Provided you prune regularly...
Correct me if i am wrong...