1. What is the price range for seahorses in SGD?
Price ranges from $15 - $150
2. What kind of tank should I go for? I have read that verticle tanks are more suited to let seahorses to have babies. Is this true? Does the regular rectangular ones work too?
A high tank would be good as SH swims vertically... Would help in breeding if you are breeding them... More space for them to do the ritual mating dance...
A regular rectangular tank would do just fine...
3. Is a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft rectangular tank good for 10 seahorses?
More than enough, could fit in another 5 more...
4. How much for a new tank? Is a second-hand tank recommended?
This varies from tank maker to tank maker... Do the market research on the price bah...
5. How much habitat (LRs, corals) should I have in the tank, >20%?
Normally i do not recommend corals to be kept with SH as some of the Coral have stinging tentacles...
Zoas, Mushroom, Yumas are okay... A handful of Tonga branch LR would be good... Can have some Red Bamboo Macroalgae too...
6. If I go for a verticle tank, do I need a sump?
With a sump you will have more water volume that will allow the water to be more stable...
7. What is the cost for a sump that handles a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank?
This varies from tank maker to tank maker... Do the market research on the price bah...
8. How much does corals and stuff cost?
This varies from LFS to LFS... Go visit LFS and make a price comparison bah...
9. How much does it take to convert tap water to proper water for use in marine tanks? Any alternatives?
Actually tap water is just nice... But you can get a RO/DI Filter for ard $300... Depending on how many stage you going... Do more research on this...
10. Lastly, a really newbie question, are Leafy Seadragons available in Singapore. If yes, are they hardy?
Not Availble... Would cost a bomb to ship in from AUS... They live in 22 Degree - 24 Degree... WOuld need your Chiller to work at full horsepower...
Honestly, I have no idea how much this setup will cost but I think I am willing to put in 1-2k SGD. I know I have more homework to do to keep my seahorses safe.
Setup alone would cost ard 1.5k... So i guess 3.5k would be good enough...