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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. 1) Bird Wrasse Pair @ $50, Feeds on anything and super fat... Withdraw from sale, decided to keep them.. 2) Cream Angel @ $30, Feeds on anything and super fat... (Caught) 3) Transforming Larmarck Angel @ $20, Feeds on anything and super fat... (Caught) 4) Sapphire Damsel @ $10, Feeds on anything and super fat... 5) Doliatus Rabbitfish @ $30, Feeds on anything and super fat... (Caught) 6) Trio PNG Cirrhilabrus punctatus @ $60, 1 male 2 female, feeds on anything and super fat... regular display every night.. 7) Unique two colored tail powder black tang @ $20, tail is yellow and orange.. feeding on homemade food and pellet.. (Caught)
  2. Selling 2 giant leather coral @ $8 each.. Both are really big.. This is around 6-7inch across when fully open... this is closed state.. This is around 6-7 inch in height when fully open.. this is closed state... Have pulsing polyps in slow flow water...
  3. LMAO... Joke of the year...

  4. First night, the color still stressed and faded, the color have recovered and it is feeding on home made food very well now..
  5. Blood cute and small.. lol..
  6. Last time was $280... but yesterday I checked the price list it was $340.. CF is the only place I have seen them..
  7. Cream, larmack, damsel reserved..
  8. Most of them are very big.. 3-5inch.. Collection in jurong west..
  9. It is from ML, around 3-4inch.. Reef safe..
  10. Yup, it is as shown in the article. Just without the spot..
  11. Around 4inch.. it is transforming slowly wanted to get some small female ones to make it transform faster but decided to sell.. the tail filaments is turning white and the lines are changing.
  12. Clearing my fishes to make way for other fishes. They are not caught yet, will have to wait for me to trap them as they are very good in hiding.. 1) Bird Wrasse Pair @ $50, Feeds on anything and super fat... 2) Cream Angel @ $30, Feeds on anything and super fat... 3) Transforming Larmarck Angel @ $20, Feeds on anything and super fat... 4) Sapphire Damsel @ $10, Feeds on anything and super fat... 5) Doliatus Rabbitfish @ $30, Feeds on anything and super fat... Basically all are feeding and very healthy and fat... Interested can pm me... Thanks..
  13. If anyone, interested I might want to sell my Coco Island Lemon Peel Angel.. Going for $95... Thanks..
  14. 100 for tank set with Liverock.. Hydor Nano sold..
  15. I never thought I would see Serranus Phoebe, Let alone own one... Seems like a dream..

    1. Eniram


      Good catch bro!

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