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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Let me start the ball rolling... $230..
  2. Bro, not to spoil your sales.. but there are flatworms on your mushroom..
  3. That is a blue spotted seahare.. Very hardworking and cute invert.. Haha.. Scientific name is Bursatella leachii.. Seasonal if not wrong..
  4. Bro... You went Reborn today?
  5. Haha... Ya.. Din bump into you anywhere when going LFS.. Haha.. Can sms me again..
  6. Haha... Ya.. Din bump into you anywhere when going LFS.. Haha.. Can sms me again..
  7. Griessingeri goby? Henry still bring them mah? CF too but cheaper from what i asked.. It was a few months back...
  8. This definitely not Acanthurus nigroris.. Note the body shape and there is two spot at the end of the fin near the scalpel for the A. Nigroris.. It is not present in this tang.. Not a Acanthurus nubilus too.. The juvenile have white tail and the face is more of spotted than stripes.. Best ID is A. Mata... Actually first look can tell is Mata Tang liao..
  9. Bro, Do you have a photo of your Corals? Interested in getting them..
  10. Hi all, Selling a brand new Kenneth Cole Watch. Model is KC 3500 Retail Price is $175 Selling now @ $125 (Nego) Interested can pm me or sms me @ 96739690 (Terry) Thanks for Viewing...
  11. Oops... Got confused between Aquapharm and Aquarium Pharmaceutical.. Haha... What I am using is Aquarium Pharmaceutical aka API.. Furan-2
  12. I am not sure about Cure Ich... But I am using Furan-2 for my tank.. Ich reduced after 3 dosages.. No effect on corals and inverts..
  13. This is a Tosanoides flavofasciatus - Japanese deepwater anthias.. As expected not much info on it.. Tosanoides Anthias
  14. The second one is not really a morph... It is a Male Genicanthus Personatus.. So far only two in captivity over so many years.. Both are in Wakiki Aquarium if not wrong...
  15. Bro, Haven tried HDMI cable to connect but I think using VGA cable would be easier.. Dun think will have such a problem... for audio, play from your laptop or connect using component cable..
  16. Nice zoas... Any chance for some frag?
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