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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Zoas are only toxic when ingest...
  2. Weird.. Zoas wun sting fishes...
  3. Its blue flashes and changes.. Oops.. I mistaken it for another fish...
  4. Bro, It is not advisable to add an Golden Angel when you have a Coral Beauty and Flame established in your tank.. It is a shy fish and will be targetted by the old Angels.. Once it is too intimidated, it will be difficult to get it back to top form.. Best to be the first fish in your tank.. lol... It is the Coral Beauty and Flame i am more worried about.. The nox is quite shy by itself.. Even if it is a stable fish, its nature is still shy and timid...
  5. Cool, thanks bro.. For the attachment... Great reference material when i diy one for my tank.. Thanks..
  6. Bro, Can I know the placement for your LED on your 3x3 tank? I am thinking using LED but cant decide on the LED number and placement.. Thanks..
  7. It is a Carpet anenome... But i suggest you not put it to near to the tube anenome.. Both of them are quite aggressive...
  8. Corynactis and Pseudocorynactis are called anenome although classified under Corallimorphians.. And not a lot ppl know about that... Becos most of the reefers will not go in depth into the specific Genus and Species...
  9. Those interested in the pygmy goby.. There are whip gobies and some Trimma and some Eviota Cometa if not wrong.. And a mini black and white gobies which till now i cant find any ID yet..
  10. NICE!!! Seems like your GF is a better photographer then you..
  11. Should be no problem... Tat is the only way to pair up butterfly.. Get a big and small one.. Got the one at SL.. But missed the one at CF.. Sighz.. Feed more? Mine is eating pellet and it is getting very fat with pellets alone..
  12. Yup, two was reserved already on the first day.. lol.. I think he is keeping one for himself.. Hehe..
  13. Looking for Burgessi Butterfly to pair with my current one... Missed the one at CF... Sigh...
  14. That is cheap already.. Compared to what they pay for in HK, US and JP...
  15. They are reefsafe.. Smaller one will have a better chance of not nipping on corals..
  16. Ah... You got a pair!!! I only got 1... Time to look for a mate for him... lol.. ANYONE GOING CF?? Wanna tompang in!!!
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