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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Bro, decide to sell your boxer.. Upz for you..
  2. The Blue Head one is cool!!! Or should I say Purple Body??
  3. Shift your LPS away!!! The RBTA will sting everything in its way... LOL..
  4. Lythrypnus zebra?? Close relative of Catalina...
  5. I also din know that having microbubble will cause the pH to drop... Unless you are pumping C02 bubbles in your tank?
  6. LOL... That is always what happen to me.. Sigh..
  7. As long as your water is not stagnant and there are surface agitation.. there is no problem...
  8. They are easy to get feeding.. But they will fall prey to ich everytime..
  9. Where you got it.. I think it is light purple instead of white bah...
  10. Used to have this... I am sure it is not bleach... It is light purple once it is stable...
  11. Tonga Scaping is more for sps as they will create the bonsai effect... Get more rocks that have a lot of caves and cervice... Better for FOWLR...
  12. Yup, will stand by NLS.. It gets picky feeder start eating, even without using the finicky formula(Haven seen it in SG)... It got all my angels eating, Regal, Colini, Joculator... Even Banners and Scooter Blenny.. Even Powder Black and my current two hybrid powder tang.. All got feeding on NLS the first week...
  13. That is good to hear but get more rocks so that they will have more caves to hide and sleep at night.. maybe telling us the stocklist will help..
  14. I just hope it is stable... Not a good idea if it is not stable and comes crashing down... esp with all the fishes inside..
  15. No.1 is quite big... Est 4 x 2.5 inch.. No.2 is very small one..
  16. Why not keep the Hybrid.. Haha... I find it nicer than normal ones...
  17. Bro< i released both at the same time liao.. Still will have the aggression after a 2 weeks..
  18. Upz anyone??? Take both for $30...
  19. I think will have have big problem going into your tank with the resident Powder Blue... I have Hybrid Powder Blue and Hybrid Powder Black... And they are not getting along very well although both are still eating... The Hybrid Powder Blue will chase the Hybrid Powder Black when it is out in the Open..
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