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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. 25 to 30 degree should be within our temperature range bah... Yupz, I know about the decap eggs, but bought a packet from my fren and they dun hatch.. Hehe.. Maybe biased against BBS but I do feed BBS to my other FW fishes...
  2. I dunno but I feed it is quite normal if you are feeding live food... For example, feeding mealworms/cricket to arowana or birds, you will need to feed/gutload the live food for the live food to survive so that you will get healthy live food and constant supply to feed the aro/bird... Ppl also culture rotifers to feed their fish larvae, isnt it feed your food to feed your fishes? I am not saying relying solely on tigger pods for the survival for mandarin and scooter... It can be a substitute while weaning them onto frozen/pellet which could take some time... And there are no harm having more pods in your tank... And I still feel that feeding live is better than feeding frozen and pellets... BBS might be saltwater based but they dun survive in marine condition for long whereas Tiggerpods might survive and even reproduce in our tank... But the part where they need 25C, that I am not very sure... All are just my personal views...
  3. Wow... That is a lot of places.. Hope to see some results soon... Haha... The phyto what brand are you using? Phytofeast?
  4. Bro, the Shellfish diet is any phtyoplankton right?
  5. Hmm... I think Tigger pods can survive longer and live in our reef environment if left uneaten.. I actually find BBS more difficult to culture due to the eggshell they leave behind... Thanks for the info...
  6. Just wondering, is anyone having the 700mm model yet? From what I see from other websites, it does not have a timer and controller like the 400mm model? And wondering if the 180mm model (60w) having 2 different plug to control the blue and white seperately or only 1 plug?
  7. Just leave them as it is.. It will not affect the dosing...Or at least not that I know of... Other than dosing medication...
  8. Phyto and rotifers... Anything smaller than 250 Microns... Best is Brown Algaes...
  9. Erm, Yea... But the pods is our tank are sparsely distributed within all the rocks and it will not be enough for those fishes that require live pods, like Mandarins,Scooter blenny ,Clingfishes and Pipefishes... Culturing will give us a chance to feed the fishes in high concentration of the live pods that will help fill their stomach as we train them to frozen food (of course apply to small fishes only)... LOL... I think roughly can tell? The concentration of the pods should be quite visible if there are any changes in number? You feeding them phytofeast or a different phyto product?
  10. I think it is a different species... Maybe wrong, but these tigger pods seems like free swimming pods rather than those pods tat crawl in our rocks and glass wall... Erm, I meant culturing them so that we can get a constant supply as they reproduce... Are they reproducing in your seperate containers? Are you feeding them?
  11. Went thru Reef Nutrition Website and found out that it is possible to culture tigger pods in a stand alone container.. Is there anyone doing it now... It is quite useful for feeding finicky fishes, small fishes and possibility fish larvae or seahorse fries(I hope)... And maybe cut down on the cost of buying tigger pods every now and then as it is quite expensive and get used up very fast...
  12. Cooll... Jun Kai, I tot this is what you always wanted???
  13. Yup... The last Clarion is kinda on the big size...
  14. The nutrition is not that good right? Or is it the decap ones?
  15. Yup... I think so.. Mr Lorenzo is keeping them at 24C... LOL...
  16. The Aussie Kudas are nice.. Even for the black ones... Not as black as vietnam kudas...
  17. Oh... You feeding them rots?
  18. Cool.. All the Comes Pop liao?
  19. It is a bit short if minus-ing the sandbed... It is best for 2ft and above...
  20. The Kellogi is nice but very very rare in our market.. Spino and Kellogi is different...
  21. You wan me to slap you... You got a tankful of seahorse liao... Still act like dun have.. LOL!!!
  22. Try C328, Petmart(Not sure), or Aquastar @ Yishun... These have quite a lot of Equipments..
  23. I quite like them... But it is difficult to find 2-3 inch Juv in the Ocean too I guess...
  24. The clarion x passer seems to be quite common, Cortez Marine got a number of them.. Bank x Guyanensis is very rare... I think only got 2 pcs only..
  25. One of the Dream Angel... But SA got import/export issue and the price too.. Sighz..
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