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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. A TRIGGER IN A NANO??? I admit i did that mistake but it is not feasible in long term, the trigger gets too nippy..
  2. It seems pretty normal for me.. As all my old toby used to do that a lot... Not many suggestion as it is a small tank and if the toby have already define its territory, they are a terror to whatever you add... Try a goby or blenny...
  3. And I wouldnt keep a boxfish with your valentine toby as valentine is one of the more aggressive toby..
  4. LOL... That is the normal behavior of toby... They stick themselves to rocks to rest...
  5. Okay this damsel looks tooooo similar to scotti... Totally cant tell the difference..I wan the a decodon... But I guess it wont be cheap.. LOL..
  6. Oh, cant remember was browsing thru sealife old stock then saw it..
  7. Irritating to the max...

    1. Eniram


      Why genna ICH???

    2. Jameshong


      Red Slime aglae?

    3. lawchan77


      Cleaner shrimp stealing food from your target fed corals?

  8. I am actually attracted to the yellowish BTA in the background.. LOL!!!
  9. Seems like in Japan? As they are found in Japan water and they are tiny filefish, so only suited for a nano setup.. But interestingly they can inflate themselves...
  10. Please note they require dim to no lighting tank to do well...
  11. I believe it is a blotchy anthias, from the pricing..
  12. Terryz_

    Need help

    The ground probe will still work but there is still stray electricity in your tank whichis bad for your fishes..
  13. Haha... Knew you would have this reaction..
  14. 1 day have passed and still no one noticed the fish... SIGH!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Digiman


      We should get some updates of the beautiful earlei soon!

    3. Terryz_


      Updated liao.. LOL!!

    4. kueytoc


      Now I know where the fish ends up in...hehehe

  15. Hahaha!!! Kanna OWNED!!!

  16. CF, Settle for Pink Streak, much better 6 line.. But depend on the tank mates that you have in your tank..As Pink streak are very small..
  17. With the right environment, they feed quite easily.. but sustaining the bioluminous bacteria is the hard part.. I believe the part which lit up helps the fishes to get food at night and in the dark.. as mine always shine and flicker very brightly when they are feeding... but becos mine is a community tank though it is dimly lit, they still cannot make it long under community. Best is a dark species tank and they do well in groups of 5 and above..
  18. The cycle goes round.. Start again??

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