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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Sump haven tested... main tank I only tested the bottom I never fill finish the whole tank...
  2. Hmmm. My bro holiday liao leh.. SP still got classes? Actually up to you.. You try climbing around your tank lor... LOL... See if you want to put the water first.. Cycle longer lor.. Like me 2 months.. LOL... Seems like you still got a lot of things to do ah... LOL.. I estimate my show piece will be Aug... Let the tank stablised and mature before i risk the Jocs...
  3. Will be stalking this thread tml whole day... LOL... Untill you post some photos... The LRs you want to put first? Easier bah? No joke bending down into a cube tank... Tried it and I thought to myself... Not going to any rescaping unless really needed... You not going to cycle your tank ah? 1 month enough?
  4. The workmanship is superb.. I was so shocked to see such a nice sump tank.. LOL.. Full marks :score:
  5. I think you will start cycling first... My first drop of water should be next weekend.. LOL... During the cycling I can save for my Joculator pair.. Hopefully, they will be the first pair of angel in my tank... Bro, Okay to chit chat here? LOL..
  6. I must really THANK Vincent for all the help... Gave him a lot of problems with my inaccurate measurement... :ThanxSmiley:
  7. This is very useful tips... Thanks bro...
  8. Thanks for the update too... This is very good record for reefers who want to culture pods in the future..
  9. This is the common blue clove if not wrong... Very blue leh... Nice!!
  10. Update on the pods... Aerated Vs Un-aerated containers Un-aerated one have noticeable increase in number of pods compared to 1st day, not sure if they reproduce this fast.. But I can see more of them now... Aerated one is somewhat still stagnant population, dun see a increase... So lesson learnt, no aeration is better for small volume of pod culture... As for the biggest container, very little also... I am giving about 1ml phyto daily... So far so good... Sorry, no photo becos no good camera.. LOL...
  11. Will also drop by to poison newbie with unorthodox way... :yahoo:
  12. I think with a 2k budget on tank set.. It is able to get a normal tank set with cabinet... But not sure about the equipment part.. Maybe you ca check with DE if a better tank, how much will it be...
  13. I think he is more concern about the size den the equipment but if size is not a problem.. DE's package is quite a deal...
  14. You will need to look at the spec.. they normally will tell you required flowrate...
  15. Bro,, Wrong date leh.. 5th Jun.. not 5th May right? $40
  16. Not recommended to run external.. But can lar..
  17. Terryz_


    Yes... They will heal and develop a mouth for those frag without mouth..
  18. I agree... for edmund..
  19. Jacky ones is splendid.. There is two kind of yellow wrasse... The full yellow one is the common one.. It gets big and sometimes dun eat nudi... The white belly one is more hardworking from what I experienced.. But they are more expensive and more difficult to find.. The yellow one will do fine..
  20. Take a photo of the hybrid powder blue... It must be a beauty...
  21. Try leopard, the black one and spledid is easier to keep... Yellow wrasse also can.. Try to get the white belly one.. More expensive but better than the full yellow one.. Different genus thou.. I try to get everything in by next weekend.. LOL...
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